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4:00 p.m.
One spring day when rapeseed blooms under the blue sky.
It's time to go for a walking exercise.
The girl prepares to hurry out.
Cell phones and handkerchiefs, masks and hand sanitizers,
Glasses and a hat, ah, got a water bottle?
Then hurry out.

4 p.m. in the warm sunshine.
Will you be sure to count your steps?
Let's go to the pine forest.
Wow, nature is beautiful too.
I hate it because there are a few people,
But it's not bad.
Look, the forest is covering me.

After leaving the forest, a wide and small lawn spreads out.
There are several exercise equipment in the vicinity.
But I like going around.
Keep walking and walking again.
The scenery that changes every time you walk.
Look, you can see Yeongnamru over the big river.
It's nice weather to take a picture, but today I just want to go.

River parking lot under the bridge
There are different types of cars and trucks.
After a little more, I see a heavy truck.
Be careful! The car is passing!

If you pass under the wide road bridge, you will see a rose garden.
It's unfortunate that it's not summer yet, but we'll see flowers soon.
One day we will be able to meet my belove sweat "British gentleman" there.

Wow! RC Car Raceway!
Now no one uses it.
But look at this. Little children are riding bikes there.
In the middle, I also see a child riding roller skates.

After the wooden shelter, there is a large park golf course.
After school, children run around here.
After a little more, you can see the cement road.
Beyond that, there is a map next to the cement road.
Stop for a moment and see the map!
What kind of place have we passed so far?

Let's look at the river.
Wow! Canola flowers are in full bloom!
You can't just pass this beautiful scenery.
Let's see it when we can see it.
Let's put it in my memory.

If you pass the construction site, you can see more Canola flowers.
After the playground, you can see a lot more flowers than this!
Canola here, Canola there too. It's a Canola flower festival.
Look, we've already turned a quarter of Sammun-dong.
The map near the bridge proves it!

Do you pass the big bridge? I can see the rocks!
It's a rock sculpture park from here.
It contains people's life stories.
But I am sorry that there is no explanation.
It won't be so bad if you see it through.
Look, you're almost home now.

Already done. The exercise is over.
Come on back, the family waits for us.
Time is already evening.
Now it's time to go home.

Book of My IDEAs : Eternal Imagins of Broken BrainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora