"No tear, No nightmares... Always sweet dream, my dear Pluto"
by Luru
나는 행성이었던 너를 처음으로 알았던 게 20년 전이었는데
The first time I knew you were a planet was 20 years ago,
이젠 행성이 아니었던 때로 돌아갔구나.
Now you're back to when you weren't a planet.
그곳은 어떤 곳이니?
What kind of place is that?
아직은 햇빛이 닿아 따뜻할텐데
It's still warm in the sun.
따뜻함은 닿지 못하더라도
A place where the warmth is not reachable,
빛이 닿아있기에 희망찬 곳
but the light is reachable, so there is hope.
사람들에겐 춥고 어두운 곳이지만
It's a cold, dark place for people,
나와 너에겐 그저 삶의 터전과도 같은 곳
but for me and you, it's just a place of life.
차가운 곳에 있기에 우리는 말이 없지만
We're quiet because we're in a cold place,
빛이 닿아있기에 마음은 따뜻하다.
Our hearts are warm because of the light.
Monday, February 24th ,2020
To. My belove, dear dwarf planet 134340, "Pluto"
From. Korean Girl, your only frieand
Book of My IDEAs : Eternal Imagins of Broken Brain
Fanfiction망가진 뇌의 영원한 상상 Tada! Introducing my OCs and Stories that contain my delusion. Caution! : I use Naver Papago Translator or Google Translator! There may be a mistranslation.