A Boarding House of Five Men and One Woman

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There are five men in my house.

They used to be powerful enough to shake the Earth, 

But after "that day" they had to put everything down and live in our house.

I don't know what they're up to, 

But... There's no accident, right?

First, Third Reich

Mr. Psychopath with 8th-grade syndrome.

He is said to have a son who is a workaholic.

Now he's all right, but he's such a madman 

What if someone touches him, he'll be fucked.

But he also has a romantic side.

So sometimes I fall for his pranks.

Second, Korean Empire

He has two sons, South and North.

He often quarrels with the man next door, 

But frankly, the old man next door is so strong

I often help him.

And I often feel that he is like my father 

Because I can communicate well and have a similar culture.

Third, Japanese Empire

Very nervous guy

Because he is sleeping with the enemy for the first time.

He has twins with different personalities.

He is good at drawing, 

But that doesn't mean I'm openly asking for a commission.

Frankly speaking, he and I don't even get along so well 

Because we have to keep our distance.

Fourth, USSR

He is an old man who has various nicknames such 

As a Weapon Master, Winter General, Ice Heart and so on.

He moved to Gangwon-do, Korea, after 1990 

And moved to where I live,

After all his children became independent.

At first, I was very scared to see his scary image, 

But it turned out that he was a warm-hearted, tall man.

So I often feel like he is a chic and cool uncle.

Fifth, Great Britain

An old man nicknamed "British gentleman."

He's gentle and sweet, so he's my favorite uncle.

He had four independent children.

He is a Master of Espionage Activities, 

And he is also a tea maniac, so he drinks green tea the most in my house.

Like my favorite uncle, he has a lot of knowledge in literature.

So he sometimes makes poems and creates a good atmosphere.

Lastly, me.

Using the alias Lutia, I have a simple appearance 

But quite complex circumstances.

So I always have an unstable mind.

I'm INFP-T of the MBTI personality type, 

But I'm the youngest in my family, 

And I have a spectrum of brain development disorders, 

So I can't act like an adult even if I want to.

So they treat me as a child.

But I don't care.

It was because I thought I could not help it even if I was sad.

But adults will know 

Why I can't become an adult, why my time is stopped.

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