Lutia, Go to the Root of Time

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This story is based on the story of the 12th chapter in the novel Momo, and it's a kind of fan fiction of Countryhumans.

Me = Momo, but 14 years old have child-like Innocence

Great Britain = Dr. Cecundus Minutius Hora, but Gentleman

Lutia was standing in a huge hall for the first time in her life. It was a hall bigger than an immensely large stadium than a huge cathedral on Earth. The ceiling, supported by the massive columns, was only assumed to be somewhere dim, but not visible. There was no window. The golden glow that flows through this vast space came from countless candles everywhere. The flame of the candle didn't even flutter. It was as if it had been set in the brilliant colors of the warlord so that there was no need to burn the wax to make light.

And there were countless clocks here, all ticking, ticking, ticking, all coming from countless clocks. The watches were also angular. It was like a forest of watches. Moreover, every clock pointed at a different time, so the alarm went off continuously at Hall The Gauge. But it was not all an ear-splitting noise, but as uniformly subtle as the rustling of leaves in the summer forest.

Lutia opened her eyes wide and looked around the halls at the clocks. Sometimes I even touched it. I just didn't want it. Lutia looked at her cell phone. The clock on the phone's screen was still showing Korean time. It was as if the clock on the mobile phone had degenerated into one here.

Then, she suddenly heard a friendly voice from somewhere.

"Oh, England, you're back! But didn't you bring little Lutia?"

When Lutia turned around, a tall middle-aged man in a tall mid-life hat stood on a narrow road between the hourglass, looking down at Golden Retriever, sitting in front of him with his waist down. The middle-aged man was wearing a black silk suit, with monocles written on his left eye. Both hands were wearing white gloves, and a cane was in the left hand. The middle-aged man still spoke to the big dog with his back bent.

"What? She's already here? Where is she?"

The middle-aged man took out his small glasses and looked around. 

"I'm here!"

As Lutia shouted, the middle-aged man approached Lutia with a welcoming smile and open arms.

"Welcome! I sincerely welcome you to the palace that's nowhere. Lutia, you can introduce me. I'm Great Britain, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland."

Lutia was puzzled

"Did you wait for me?"

"Then wait! I even sent Retriever 'England' to get you."

Britain took out a flat watch with diamonds from his trousers pocket and snapped open the lid. Lutia looked into it and found that the clock's font had no clock, no numbers. However, there were only two delicate, really delicate curves that turned slowly in the opposite direction. At the point where the two lines crossed, a small dot glistened occasionally

"And you've come just in time."

Britain said.

"This is a clock that tells us the time of fate. I'll tell you exactly the time of fate that rarely comes. The time of fate has just begun."

Lutia did not know what the time of fate was, but she knew roughly. It was a word that would only appear in fantasy novels. And I could see that it was a very important time. Britain said.

"Come on, little lady, shall we go to the table? Breakfast is ready. You've been walking a long way, and I hope the food tastes good."

Britain took Lutia's hand and went to the other room. A little back, a retriever followed.

There were many dishes on the long, long table, ranging from chicken dishes to chicken salad, pork dishes, beef dishes, noodle dishes, cream soup, cheese cream soup, and crispy bread.

At first, Lutia was distracted by the food, so she put food in her mouth and ate it deliciously without thinking nothing else. The strangely gloomy feeling disappeared when I ate the food. And even though I couldn't sleep all night, I felt full of energy. The more I ate, the better the food tasted. Lutia seemed to be able to eat for days and days on end.

Britain watched Lutia affectionately. He was a thoughtful person and did not interrupt Lutia's meal by talking to him. He was nothing but eating. Lutia glanced at him.

"......Don't you eat?"

"Don't worry. I'm eating."

In his words, Lutia picked up a fork, put it in the spaghetti noodles, rolled it up, and put it in her mouth. Then he chewed it up and swallowed it and asked, "What kind of work do you do?"

Then he grinned. 

"I manage time."

"Are you a time manager?"

"I can say yes. The flat cards and phrases you spread on the Internet earlier were impressive."

"Really? But... I don't think anyone saw it."

"It's because Grey Humans has made such a move. They're looking for you like hell, but I think the safest place for me is my house, so I brought you here. 'Cause they think you're the enemy who exposed their secrets."

"That's why."

"But I believe you won't fall for them as much as you do. Because you have a pure soul and a heart."

"But why do they want us to save time?"

Then Britain had a rather serious look on his face.

"Because they... keep their lives alive with dead time. They make cigarettes with the time they take from people and live on the time they burn them."

"Then what are they?"

"They're nothing. It's just a human form."

"Can they... harm humans?"

"Of course, they're trying to threaten me with it."


"They're trying to take people's time and make them like themselves. I wish people would reject them, but..."


"They seem to want to believe more in the fearful after all."

"Is there anything I can do?"

At Lutia's question, Britain smiled.

"Thank you, Lutia. But I'll have to think more about it."

Book of My IDEAs : Eternal Imagins of Broken BrainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora