CoutryHumans Modern Spin-off AU

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Era Background
: Modern Korea


1. Kyung-hwa Yoon

"나 너무 피곤해요... 이제 그만하고 쉬어도 안돼요?"
(I'm so tired... Can I rest now...?)

She is 100% Innocent Korean. The only foreign language she can speak is English. (But she knows only a little...) Anyway, her Meyer Briggs personality type is INFP-T. There have been many attempts to contribute to human well-being, but all have failed. After many frustrations, she now stopped all activities and came back to her home country village. As an aside, she has a spectrum of brain development disorders and some trauma to humans.

"Even if it's a chance once again... I'm not confident enough..."

2. North Korea

"그럼 이제 너와 나의 등가교환은 이걸로 끝이다."
(So the equivalence exchange between us now ends with this.)

3. China

(Hahaha, you're really weak, Miss.)


"Часто плачу и часто кровоточит нос... Ха .... Какая у тебя конституция?"
(Crying often and nosebleeds often... Ha.... What are you constitution?)
*Noticed the constitution of a neighbor*

"Если вы не можете столкнуться с этими ужасными фактами ... вам не нужно. Только не забывай эти вещи."
(If you can't face these terrible facts... you don't have to. Just don't forget these things.)

5. [Defiant friends] Three Musketeers
- Japan(Male) : "Wow... Look at the back of this paper."
- USA : "I think she might be cruel!" *Peeking at someone's album*
- South Korea : "Uhh, guys... Who is coming on here..."

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