Sword Art Online AU My OC

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Royal Knight of the United Empire of Great Ellianod and Celestial Altera (kingdom of the Nasod), and a knight of the sun god

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Royal Knight of the United Empire of Great Ellianod and Celestial Altera (kingdom of the Nasod), and a knight of the sun god. She is strong in the ability to distinguish good and evil and has a strong internal belief in good. She is 14 years old. The only Korean among SAO players who speak Japanese and Korean well. She also speaks a little English. As I said before, she can't stand anger when she sees evil. She suffers from ADHD and bipolar affective disorder but is not distinguished as a disabled person due to Korean government policy. She seeks a sense of stability in life, but sometimes she seeks something new. 

Her favorite foods are strawberries and ice cream, soft drinks, and cold noodles. I usually like cool food.

As a side note, she regards and likes the sun god (Maybe... He is a gentleman of Great Britain...?) as her father.

The swords(weapons) she has

1. Caliburn: Sword promising victory

 Caliburn: Sword promising victory

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Length: 1.5m

Attack: about 500% of the player's attack power

Effect: Critical Chance & Damage + 9x, Knockback

Description: A sword that the king of the fallen knight once carried often.

2. Exocist of Altera Ellianod

 Exocist of Altera Ellianod

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Length: 2m

Rating: Unique

Attack: about 1,000% of the player's attack power


- Guardian of Altera: During the battle, there is a 200% chance that a Nasod knight of fire and a Nasod wizard of water will appear to help the battle.

- Purification of Alice: Purifies all living creatures contaminated with darkness.

3. Starsaber: Solaris

 Starsaber: Solaris

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Length: 1.8m

Rating: Ultimate

Damage: about 2,000% of the player's attack power


- 80% chance to knock back an opponent when attacking

- The Player has a 50% chance to fire an attack on your opponent during combat. A fired opponent burns for 10 seconds, cutting the opponent's total HP by 30%.

- Sun Blessing: Defends 80% of all damage done by the opponent and deals with 200% of the player's total damage to the opponent.

- Flare: Causes an explosion within a range of 100M around player. The damage done to the opponent is approximately 1,000 times the player's attack power, instead, the cooldown is 10 seconds, and when used, 70% of the total MP is reduced.

Holding skills

1. Passive skill

- Ort Cloud

Permanently increases defense by +1,000.

- Intention

Focus your mind to increase strength, critical chance, and final damage. (Power 60, Critical Chance 20%, Final Damage 10% Increase)

- Light speed

During combat, it increases movement speed by 100% or more than usual.

Mirror guard

It completely defends the enemy's attack, nullifying the damage and countering the enemy. You can defend while using the skill. This skill is for defending against enemy attacks and cannot be used during an attack. (150% damage to up to 6 enemies + 3% damage per level)

- Sacred Cube

Strengthen one's power through a cube with sacred power. (3 minutes duration, 7 minutes cooldown)

2. Active Skill

- Shining Chase

Attacks by pushing many enemies in front with the sword of light. Rush immediately after use and move a certain distance. (400% damage to moving up to 6 enemies)

- Light Assault

Attacks with a sword formed by light on enemies in front. Light Assault's final attack must be critical. (8% attack with up to 2 enemies with 280% damage, 20% chance to dark attack. The last attack is critical)

- Klaus Solace

It concentrates the power of the sun on the sword and embodies the legendary sword of light, attacking enemies. When attacking an enemy during cooldown, a sword of light is additionally implemented to cause damage. (10% damage increase for 30 seconds)

- Sword of Starlight

Concentrate the power of the star on the sword so that the starlight dwells on it. (30% attack power over 30 seconds, 100% critical probability, 100% increased enemy defense)

(7 attacks with 1340% damage, 180-sec cooldown)

- Starburst Stream

16 consecutive attack skills. The damage is 50 times the player's total attack power

- Blade Dancing: 

27 consecutive attack skills. The damage 100 times the player's total attack power

- All in Kill

Maximizes the player's power and magic, killing 1 enemy at a time. (Maximum 1,000x attack power, ignore enemy defense and 100% defense instead of cutting 50% horsepower)

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