CountryHumans x Me: After the Nightmare (Rewritten)

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The story sourced "I'll come for you" Part 2 by S_L_B_M

And this pic is not mine!

'Don't worry, Lutia. I'll keep you safe... No matter the cost'

(걱정하지 마렴, 루티아. 내가 너를 안전하게 지켜줄테니... 그 어떠한 댓가를 치뤄서라도 말이다.)


I felt a severe headache as soon as I opened my eyes. And I've been zoning out for a while. I couldn't believe that the British gentleman had just done that. Everything is a dream, but what should I do? I buried my face in the blanket. Then I got up again and turned my head toward the door where I could hear a little noise.

'Maybe four men are gathered in the living room.' I thought so.

I got out of the door and headed to the living room.

"Oh, Lutia. You're up," said K.E.

"Hello," I said to him.

"But Lutia, you don't look happy. Are you sick?" the USSR asked.

"I have a headache..."

"Take some medicine, then," said T.R. casually.

"But the thing is, I had a nightmare." I sat on the floor.

"Nightmare?" asked the UK.

"The nightmare that the UK is throwing me in the back."




"...Oh... no," muttered the USSR.

The UK said. "Dream of me shitting Lutia on the back of her head? Oh, Darling, I'm never going to hit your back."

"I know that... but I was so scared!" I cried.

I as the landlord started to cry K.E and T.R. snapped their eyes at the UK. God, even though he didn't do anything wrong to me. Watching this, the USSR took the ice cream out to the freezer and handed it to me.

"Just eat this and stop crying. Because it's not good to see you cry."

K.E. said. "Are you sure she's gonna eat that and calm down? She's crying now because she's surprised and scared," and hugged me tightly.

"...I'm sorry, Lutia. I apologize if you were so surprised," UK bowed.

After 10 minutes, I looked up at him. Then I bowed my head and hugged him who apologized. Because I don't want he is sad. He was a little surprised.


"...Don't be sad....."

Everyone was dumbfounded by the landlord's unexpected behavior. It was as if the landlord had become a child.

2 a.m., the time when everyone went to bed. I decided to sleep in one bed with the UK.

Because I was struggling a little bit, I decided to use the blankets separately and the two lay in bed.

"Are you okay with a headache?" The UK asked.

I nodded. "I'm almost better."

"But what exactly was the dream about?"

"It was a dream that you were obsessed with me. I was traveling in England, and you lied to me that you would take me to a hotel and took me somewhere I didn't know."

" must have been very scared."

"I don't remember things like dreams... This dream comes to mind vividly, so I'm only telling you about it."

'You're only telling me This...? haha... It's cute.' The UK smiled inwardly.

"Come on, come here and sleep tight. And I swear, I'll never do that again, my princess."

"저도 아저씨 사랑해요(I love you too, my sweet gentleman)."

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