Rooftop Dandelion (Re-translation)

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The words from a translator

The last translation was so bad that I decided to translate it back to another translator. Google Translator can be translated into various languages, but I was worried because there were too many mistranslations. I hope the translator used this time will translate well...

Rooftop Dandelion

Two grandmothers fell off the veranda on the 7th floor of my apartment and died. She committed suicide because she fell on purpose, not by mistake. This is the second time.

When the grandmother's daughter-in-law, who was the first to discover it, was surprised and screamed, everyone in the apartment ran out to the veranda. I ran out, too. However, I couldn't see how my grandmother, who fell from the seventh floor, was crushed because my mom covered my eyes from behind.

"Oh, it's terrible."

Other adults said, "It's terrible, oh, it's terrible," and they covered their eyes and quickly took them inside. Our palace apartment is an apartment that is easy to live in, has high-quality facilities, and has a name for the environment. There is a supermarket that has everything from Korea to foreign countries, a spacious playground for children, a beautiful park, a pavilion for the elderly, and a blue pond made of human power.

When someone asks where you live, if you live in a palace apartment, the water will look envious of the person's face. Then he sighed and said,

"I envy you. When do we live like that?"

So I guess people who don't live in palace apartments don't doubt that people who live in palace apartments are happy. In order not to disappoint those who believe so, everyone living in a palace apartment is happy.

But what's going on? I already took my own life because I didn't want to live for two people. People in palace apartments can't even imagine how unhappy they are to live they want to kill themselves. What people in the palace apartment can see is that this should never happen again. Try to spread the word because it keeps happening. People may suspect that the happiness of people in palace apartments is fake.

That would be a big deal. Just thinking about it makes people in palace apartments unhappy. The reason why people in palace apartments have been happy so far is that other people have recognized them like that. It's like a jeweler's guarantee that the jewel is real, not because the jewel is beautiful, but because the jeweler's ring makes her happy.

Like the happiness that I had firmly believed in so far faltered, the people of the palace apartment could not stand the anxiety and decided to gather together to discuss it. The gathering place has been set for the president's house, which uses two 70 pyeongs.

I got close to my mom's skirt. I'm the youngest. So my mom thinks I'm just a kid. Most young people are very kind to me.

The spacious boss's house was already packed with people. More people gathered than the neighborhood meeting day. On the day of the neighborhood meeting, some children were mixed up, but no one was seen today. It seemed like the atmosphere of the meeting was getting more solemn because of only adults.

Only then did my mom try to hide me behind her back, smiling at me because I was embarrassed to follow her. But I am not small enough to hide behind my mother's back. I wanted to show up and interfere.

I thought I had to interfere in this case, as I don't know anything else.

Because I know why the grandmother didn't want to live. I never met the grandmother in my life, but I knew it with confidence.

"It's an honor to have all these distinguished guests in one place. Since you're at my house today, I'll be the interim president and proceed with this meeting. Oh, by the way, we need the name of the meeting to have a chairman. If you're stuck in your business card, you can't just call it a chairman, right? Isn't that right, everyone?"

"That's right."

Many people agreed.

"How about 'Helpers'?"

said a young man.

"No, it's not. You're helping each other? What are we lacking to help each other? Helping neighbors is between poor and poor people."

"That's right, that's right.

Because many people agreed, "Helpers" was rejected.

"Well, but aren't we here to help each other?"

Book of My IDEAs : Eternal Imagins of Broken BrainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora