"노란 리본" 팔찌 ("Yellow Ribbon" Bracelet)

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This article was written to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the sinking of ferry "Sewol".


Hey, remember, the sinking of a cruise ship on the Korean Peninsula?

It's time to be forgotten, but they still remember.

The government didn't save anyone that day.

It was all the fault of an incompetent female president.

People said she did nothing that day.

The government only controlled it and didn't save anyone.

I saw it clearly with my own eyes.

Eventually, the captain was caught telling 

Everyone on the ship to "stay still."

The captain later had to spend 128 years in prison.

I'm truly angry.

The government was so incompetent.

In front of the female president who abandoned her duties, 

The people were speechless.

I even thought I wanted to kill her.

How could a person do that? I couldn't understand.

I'm telling you the truth, 

That incident was also related to the Candlelight Revolution.

The Park Geunhye - Choi Soonsil scandal also played a part.

But at first, I wasn't sure she was going to step down...

But when I saw the shining big waves, I was sure.

But I ended up not participating in the revolution...

Yeah, I've made sure of my prayers.

On the last day of the Constitutional Court, 

The judges dismissed her with one heart and at the same time, 

They heard the cheers of the people.

I thought the nightmare was gone now.

I know, all these events are known to the world.

So I remember.

I've put both the memories of nightmare events, 

The memories of miracle revolutions, 

All in the "Yellow Bracelet" on my left wrist.

If I forget... I think I'm going to feel guilty for "those students."

It's already been 6 years.

It's only been six years since "You guys" died.

We remember the nightmare of that day, 

But there are no more wounds, just a trauma.

If that happens again, we won't wait any longer.

We're going to make a "Utopia" with No More Tears.

That's our purpose and mission.

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