CountryHumans AU Sugar Daddy

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1. Third Reich

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- Romanticist

- familiarity

- Charismatic

- Wary of daughter's male friend

- A father who is mean to others but soft to children.

- "One day, I'll give you the world."


(by 0countryroads

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- It's cold to others, but kind to children.

- Charismatic "Weapon Master"

- Training children to shoot

- He is over-protectives

- "I will protect you from all the dangers of this world."

3. Great Britain

(by "뫄요" in Twitter)

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(by "뫄요" in Twitter)

- A sweet, caring but charismatic father.

- Master of Intelligence Activities

- Helping her daughter experience various things

- His daughter is a troublemaker, so he is over-protectives

4. Sugar Baby Daughter (4 years old) (You or Me)

- a mental disorder that does not meet the criteria of the disabled in Korea

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- a mental disorder that does not meet the criteria of the disabled in Korea.
"Hell Joseon" - by Me

- Originally a bright child, but had a gloomy & timid personality due to some past.

- She laughs often but crying as often as she does.

- Having a pure and sensitive personality

Book of My IDEAs : Eternal Imagins of Broken BrainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora