My belove big brother

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Sometimes there is such a day 

when I get irritated for no reason and angry for no reason.

If there is no place to solve the emotion, the goal becomes deeper.

Today is D-day.

After hearing the thorny words of brother

I'm done with all my laundry

Holding a bowl of curry rice

Headed to the common dining table in the living room.

But I stopped en route.

Then I turned to the table in the kitchen.

Fortunately, my brother was watching TV as if he didn't care.

I sat in a chair and started eating.

My beloved big brother is a scary person.

It has been like that since childhood.

Even if there was no malice, 

he would scream if I didn't listen.

It was so bad when my mother started working after my father died. 

He swore badly or kicked me.

So I didn't even have the courage to open my heart to my brother.

He didn't seem to understand me.

He may not even have loved me...

Of course, thanks to the adults around us, 

it seemed a little better between us.

He didn't hit me anymore and didn't scream.

He didn't swear. He never said sorry to me.

But I was satisfied because he was considerate.

He started to understand me...


Oh, my F_CKing mind!!

Book of My IDEAs : Eternal Imagins of Broken BrainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora