"Rooftop Dandelion" in 1970s South Korea (ver. ENG)

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The real writer of this novel is a woman named WAN-SEO PARK. I just translate this novel.


Two old women died on the seventh floor of our apartment veranda. They committed suicide because they fell on purpose, not by accident. This is the second time. The grandmother's daughter-in-law, who first found it, was surprised to hear that he was writing evil. I also ran out. Just because my mother covered my eyes from behind, I couldn't see how my grandmother fell from the seventh floor.

"Oh, my God, it's terrible."

Other adults also said, "It's a terrible thing, oh, it's a terrible thing." Our palace apartments are easy to live, luxurious in facilities and named for their environment. There is a supermarket equipped with everything from our country as well as goods from abroad, a spacious playground for children, a beautiful park, a sperm for the elderly, and a blue pond made by human power.

When someone asks you where you live, if you live in a palace apartment, the water looks envious at the person's face. And sighs.

"...When do we live then?"

So no one doubts that people living in palace apartments are happy. In order not to disappoint those who believe, all who live in the palace apartment must be happy.

But what is this? Two people had already died because they didn't want to live. If you are not happy how much you want to live, you want to take your own life, but people in palace apartments can't imagine. What the palace apartment knows is that this should never happen again. This happens over and over and over again. People may suspect that the happiness of the palace apartment people is fake.

That's a big deal. That thought alone makes people in palace apartments unhappy. The people of the palace apartments have been so happy because others have found it so. It's as if the mother's jewelry ring makes her happy, not because the jewelry is beautiful, but because of the longevity of the jewelry that the jewelry is real.

When the happiness that had been firmly believed has been shaken, the people of the palace apartment could not stand the anxiety and decided to gather together for discussion. The gathering place was decided to be the boss's house, which is divided into two 70-sq.

I stuck close to my mother's skirt. I'm the youngest. So my mom knows I'm a child. Most nerds listen well.

The spacious boss's house was already full of people. More people gathered than the day of the party. On the day of the party, some children were mixed, but no one is seen today. As only adults gathered, the atmosphere of the meeting seemed to be more solemn.

My mom then noticed that I was embarrassed to follow and tried to hide me behind my back. But I'm not small enough to hide behind my mother. I want to show up and want to be mesmerizing.

I don't know if it's anything else, but this time I had to be nosy. Because I know why they didn't want to live. I had never met that grandmother in my life, but I knew it with confidence.

"It is an honor to have many such guests in one place. Today I am going to be the interim president as I have been in my house and proceed with this meeting. Oh, I need a name for a meeting to have a president. In order to get stuck in a business card, what kind of president should you say? Aren't you, everyone? "

"It's right." Many people agreed.

"What about [Helpers]?" A young man said

"No, that's it. Do you help each other? What do we lack to help each other? Helping others is between poor and poor people. "

"It's right, it's right."

Many people voted to approve [Helpers].

"Well, but aren't we here to help each other?" Said the man.

"No. We are gathering to come up with measures to resolve the incident. "

"Oh, that's it. That's right. The probation measures meeting should be good. Palace Apartment Accident Remediation Council... moderately difficult, moderately long...

People were upset at the same time that the apartment prices could drop, and the name was rejected.

"Now, what's urgent is not naming meetings. How can you make that happen again? This is the second time already. Try to spread this rumor. The first thing that's affected is the cost of our apartment. Maybe if we buy one more time, our apartment will be the price of shit right away. "

When he said that the meeting was called [Helpers], the meeting room was quiet and people's faces were considered.

"Hey, let's wash our apartment prices so as not to make shit. If you have a good opinion, please do not hesitate. "

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