18 0 0

It's a fantasy character

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Full name: Adelaide Pluto Yoon Reinhardt del Arthurmillian

Nickname: Ade-chan

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Species: Human

Ethnicity//Nationality: British Royal Family (or Korean)

Sexual Preference//Orientation: 

Status: Alive

Occupation(s): Student

Club(s): kendo club, poetry club

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Birthday: February 26th.

Blood Type: Rh+ BO



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She has white skin and blond hair. She has blue eyes that look like the sea and has a small chest, but she is slim and tall. She sometimes ties her hair down. She also wears a sword("Divine Calibur") around her left waist.

 She also wears a sword("Divine Calibur") around her left waist

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Divine Calibur

Height: 180cm (5'10ft 7/8"inch)

Clothing Style(s): ?

Tattoo(s): ?

Jewelry: an emerald brooch

Jewelry: an emerald brooch

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Book of My IDEAs : Eternal Imagins of Broken BrainDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora