CountryHumans x Hotel Del Luna

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※ Hotel Del Luna: K-Drama

1. My OC: Kyunghwa Kaillany Ariel as Soul Seeker

 My OC: Kyunghwa Kaillany Ariel as Soul Seeker

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"I..... just....."

ID: 1930-134340

When she is 10 years old, she sees the soul and loses her father, her only family, and is living alone at home. With brain development disorders, she's still awkward at everything.

2. Britain as Hotels Owner

 Britain as Hotels Owner

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"Welcome to the Hotel"

ID: 1707-195

He is a decent hotel boss. His purpose is to let the souls wander the streets to the hotel and send them to heaven. Of course, he wasn't the boss from the start. He was king in his previous life and was executed for some reason. Now he must accomplish his work on a God-given mission. To find and bring souls wandering the streets, he begins to look for Soul Seeker.

3. Korean Empire as Bartender

 Korean Empire as Bartender

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ID: 1897-185

"If you really love her, sometimes you have to accept her shortcomings."

He was once a king who ruled the Korean peninsula, but was killed by the neighboring empire and now became a hotel bartender on the proposal of the hotel president.

4. USSR as Secretary

 USSR as Secretary

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ID: 1917-220

"Let's see how that girl can use her power."
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, любимец."

He was once the leader of the largest Eastern European nation on earth, but he was killed by a revolutionary army led by his son. Now he is the secretary of the hotel president.

5. Third Reich as Employee Head

 Third Reich as Employee Head

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ID: 1914-195

"Who would have known this to me..."
"Komm schon, lass uns mit mir tanzen, Liebling"

It was once a tyrant of a nation that had defeated the new world, but it committed suicide. It is now employed by the staff of the hotel.

Book of My IDEAs : Eternal Imagins of Broken BrainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora