CountryHumans X Me: Year of the Blood Rat

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The author lacks a lot of writing skills. If you do not like to read please do not read.

Corona 19 The virus is spreading in South Korea, where I was stuck in my house. On television, there was news that more than 1,000 people were already confirmed.

"Fuck... The government is so incompetent. ...The government should have blocked the influx of Chinese first."

I drank strawberry juice, blaming the Korean government.

"...I can't do my favorite sports... Aaaaahh..... Hell......"

Today I have to go out with my friends to eat delicious food, but I can't go out because of his virus... Ha...... I covered my face with both hands.

"And 'Shinchonji'? The government should dismantle such a religion so that it cannot be held at all-"

* Korean Islam & Heresy

Then something passed in my head. Is there a problem to be solved even if I get so angry now?


Oh, right... I'm annoyed right now. I know that I'm irritated and nothing is released.


I turned my head to see the freezer. There will be a box of Baskin Robbins 31* ice cream that I saved for that day.

* Korean company. Make a variety of ice cream. Ice cream is also used to make a variety of processed products.


Then let's take a nap first and then eat. I lay on the couch and covered myself with a blanket.








At 6 pm, as soon as I wake up, I exercise outside and come home and take out a plastic box containing my mother's seaweed soup from the refrigerator. The size of the box was not so large that the seaweed soup in the pot was boiled.


When I finished preparing the meal, I first had a bite of seaweed soup. The taste of this seaweed soup was pretty good.

"..." I mixed some of the rice with seaweed soup. (미역국밥의 탄생- Ouch!)


At 08 pm, when I finished my meal, I put the empty bowls in the sink, went to the living room, sat on the couch, and turned on the television. On TV there was news about Corona 19..

A story about Cheongdo Daenam Hospital in Gyeongsangbuk-do was also broadcast.

"...." I sighed. I have to eat out with my family this evening.

"Cake ...." I didn't get a cake.

Feeling depressed again, I lay on the couch again.

'Eye to see the world..... February 18... Pluto-.....!'


A message alert rang on my phone.

"Happy birthday, Lutia!" - Philipines

"Happy birthday, Liebling!" - Third Reich

"Happy birthday to you, Lutia" - USSR

"Happy birthday to you, Darling" - Great Britain

"생일 축하한다, 아가(Dear)!" - 대한제국(Korean Empire)

"Happy birthday to you!" - S_L_B_M

There are so many people celebrating my birthday.... I laughed.

나는 무엇으로 보답해야 할까...
(What should I return...?)

"Ha...ha... Thank you so much... guys..."


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