CountryHumans X Servant of Stars: Family Union

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The author lacks a lot of writing skills. If you do not like to read please do not read.

In mid-December of 2019, I was still trapped in an SMP containment cell, and I was seeing pictures of the 'family' I had during my mission.

"... there were more memories than I thought ...."

At the same time, I remembered my memories of my family.

「Yoon(윤, )」

The last name of her father, meaning ethics, morality, and the essence of something. The last name of a Korean who wanted to escape from the eyes of Japanese imperialism and fulfill his dream. I knew his real first name and what was the situation in a small country named Joseon, when he lived.

So it would have been that I became a member of the Korean Independence Army, destroyed all the outposts of the Japanese Army in Southeast Asia, and hoped my father's soul, who died 86 years ago, to find freedom in his homeland, And Took the revenge of teacher Kim-Gu...

As a result, all of the future Koreans remembered my name, calling me 'the only foreigner in the ROK.'

USSR: You win. ...Your name?
Lutia: (She was on the verge of collapsing mental) .....플루토(Pluto)...
USSR: .....수고했다... 플루토... (Good job... Pluto...)

In 1950, as soon as I was found missing on the Korean Peninsula during the Korean War, the British attempted to return me to England, but because of the US's strong backlash, I designated myself as a containment cell and kept me in a containment base. At that time, I was already exhausted and barely caught my faint spirit and wrote in pencil on paper.

「Father, mother, big brother... I miss you all..... Please, God... I want to go back home...」

... where was I willing to stop the war on the Korean peninsula? No matter how much I thought, I only thought I was too much.



The computer beeps. I looked at the computer screen. Someone sent me a message.

「Long time no see, [Pluto]. I would like to invite you, a member of our British army and a hero, to our family gathering. It will open on the 24th, so please read the address that I gave you.」

- Great Britain


In fact, I was a well-known entity among the UN Security Council as an SMP sequester under the UN, but not so threatening to humans. Of course, they knew this too.

I saw this message and felt nervous. Lacking sociality, I was reluctant to go out. I like to go out for a walk but I don't like to be among the people.

... (I'm scared, to be honest with people.)

Once my hometown person would invite me, I decided to go. 가지 않으면 국물이고 뭐고 없을 것 같다는 생각이 확 들었기 때문이다.

London, UK, 24 December 2019. When I arrived at the airport with the help of the SMP team, I trembled. I took my trembling hand and got off the plane. Britain, with a stern face, smiled as soon as he saw me.

"How are you feeling after flying in a long time?"

"....A little gimmick... your majesty ..."

He saw my shaking eyes and noticed something. And he flicked my back.

"Power off! Like a hero who came back alive!".

And he walked towards the car. I also walked along with him.

We in the car did not speak for a while. I was nervously touching my hands. At that time, his hand in white gloves took my hand to where he was.


"Also Western and Asian skin color is definitely different."


Then he suddenly put my hand on his face. In the meantime, I was stuck.

"Your hand is cold ..." He put my hand over his hand and grabbed it. I blushed

(Time Skip)

In the mansion, he and Lutia had tea time and had many conversations beyond thought. He usually talked about simple and light subjects, but sometimes he talked about the heavy philosophy of life philosophy.

He was lovely to her. But on the one hand, it was sad. His beloved woman was suffering from mental illness and a sad past. She lost her family, lost her friends, lost her loved ones. The pain that followed paralyzed her all. Eventually, she stopped all her favorite activities.

Lutia was a shy child. Her age has reached human limits, but her mind is not yet mature. By human age, she was only 15 years old. So he was going to teach a lot when he was formally dating her.



"You call me Daddy now."


Lutia was bewildered. Why?

"I will teach you, and I will adopt you as my daughter."


"So Lutia, you do not have to be alone in that cell."

He sat down with her arm and said-







"I'll be by your side now"

Book of My IDEAs : Eternal Imagins of Broken BrainWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt