Chapter 142 - The Lightning Storm Pt. I

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( Image credit - Jeremy Thomas at

A/N: I hope everyone was able to find comfort over the holidays. Wanted to finish and post this chapter earlier but alas work and the holidays were a cock-block! With the pandemic, it's understandably a harder time for many people to navigate this time of the year. Not being able to travel to visit relatives, grieving for the many losses of 2020, and exploring fears/anticipation/hopes for 2021 have increased the need for therapy.

Some of the foreshadowing in Chapter 135 Forging Anew/The Karma of Protection, specifically about Bai Yi's fears about Dong Hua will partially be addressed. 

I didn't want to rush it and didn't have the stamina to put it all in one chapter so I had to split it in two. I'll try to follow-up with the next part as swiftly as I can. 


Dong Hua had spent most of his life meditating and spiritually cultivating to avoid exactly what he was being gripped by.

Unrestrained desire, want, and craving loomed dangerously, whirling in the storm that was growing harsher and louder within the rigid and hard arctic armor of his body. 

The ancient god found himself uncharacteristically scattered, impulsive, and growing more frustrated by the moment. 

It wasn't the feeling of not being sated that was torturing him to the point of it being unbearable; it was his relationship to that feeling. He hated it. 

Instead of how he usually approached feelings, by observing them or giving them a guest room in an abandoned wing in the austere expansive mansion of his mind, he was becoming the feeling. He was enmeshed with it. 

He knew that by hating it, it only made the feeling more intense but he was at a loss with how to extricate himself.

The heated water in the hot springs with her presence as his beloved and mate amplified everything for him. Dong Hua, who was able to trace a single thought or energetic signature and methodically uncover its inception, felt helpless and clueless to why he was reacting in this way. His love and longing for her was ever-present, but this lightning storm of carnal desires for her had never been so dangerously intense.

He was not himself. Or perhaps this was a part of him that had been locked away or was lying dormant, he wondered. He grunted at the aching stiffness between his legs that sought refuge in her soothing softness. She wrapped tightly around him, giving him that much needed feeling that she would never let him go.

She had not known that her playful teasing earlier with her water sprite dance had inspired a tumultuous need within himself to claim her supple responsive body, inside and out. 

It only made it worse when she placed her soft small hand on him and wouldn't let go. Looking back, he could barely remember the conversation he had with her. He no doubt was trying to be rational and let her know he was not in the right condition for love-play. When her warm tongue licked at his nipple and his hardness swelled in her hand, he knew some high-level deflection was needed. But despite his attempts at enticing her with food and sweet-play, he could not sway her to get out of the water. 

Telling her "no" had been one of the hardest things for him. Following that thought, a quick glance south of the equator reminded him that it was perhaps the second hardest thing.

He had mixed emotions, seeing how she dealt with his refusal and took matters into her own hands, figuratively and literally.

He had made her promise him that she would always be comfortable and free around him when it came to love-play. He knew that rationally, if he couldn't satisfy her, then she had every right to satisfy herself. Still, being unable to join her had brought his sexual frustration to new heights.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now