Chapter 56 - The Art of Play

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(Illustration of Walrus with Donuts is by artist Kacey


Dong Hua summoned Zhong Lin into his study.

With his back facing his steward, he began his interrogation.

"Did you tell the little highness that I was having snacks in bed with Lian Song?" he asked in his deep steady voice.

Since Dong Hua learned that his little fox and him had a misunderstanding about the word snacks, he was referring to the literal foodstuffs. He knew that Zhong Lin was just as innocent as his little fox and wouldn't be thinking of any off-color double meanings.

Zhong Lin closed his eyes and tried to retain his composure. He knew this was going to be a tough conversation for him. It was hard enough to talk to the little highness about these topics but now he was talking about it with the former emperor of heaven. Never in his life would he ever have imagined this happening. Since it was indeed happening, he thought he might as well be honest.

"Your Majesty, actually I wasn't sure exactly where ... but I did tell her that the ... snacks were probably enjoyed in the bed. I mean that's where most people have snacks, right? I think the bed is definitely the place to have snacks." 

He was also trying to give Dong Hua the hint that he should start having special time with the little highness in the comfort of his bed, for her sake, as opposed to other unconventional venues the almighty god had previously chosen. He added, "I mean the bed will give her proper support, that way the little highness can avoid any back pain she may have after you and her enjoy snacks."

Dong Hua thought of the low eating table and the cushions they sat on. The cushions indeed did not provide back support. He did not want his little fox to experience any back pain, or any pain for that matter.

"Why would you tell her that I've had snacks in bed with Lian Song? You know how much she loves snacks. It's basically all she thinks about. She was so riled up, I could barely contain her earlier. You know she doesn't like to be left out of anything she perceives would be fun."

Zhong Lin wanted to tell Dong Hua that His Majesty did a poor job of containing her because his loyal steward had heard all of the erotic screaming that morning. "I ... I honestly felt bad for her," said Zhong Lin.

"Oh? Tell me, why do you feel bad for her?"

"Your Majesty, ... I know you've known Third Prince longer. But, the little highness is so sweet and I know how you feel about her. I really think you should ween Third Prince off of your... snacks. She wanted to join in with you and Third Prince but I discouraged her from that. I think she referred to it as 'hot pot.'"

Dong Hua stood there trying to remember if he ate food with Lian Song when they played Go. He only remembered them having tea. 

"It's true, she's always excited for hot pot. Honestly, if she wanted to watch us play, we wouldn't mind. She's very good at the game but perhaps she still could learn a thing or two," said Dong Hua shrugging his shoulders.

Zhong Lin was so glad His Majesty's back was turned to him. This allowed him to make all the horrified and shocked faces he needed to make.

Zhong Lin took a deep breath to compose himself. "Dijun, don't you think that could be ... problematic? I mean, don't you want her to feel special?"

Dong Hua thought about it. 

"I never invite anyone else to watch me give Lian Song a beating while playing Go ... to save face for him. If she was there, I'd make sure to make my moves on Lian Song particularly enticing for her to watch. I'd gladly torment him for her pleasure. Since he's the one who always asks to play, I have nothing to feel bad about. He knows what I'm capable of on any given day. And you and I both know she loves a good show. I'd draw it out for awhile taking my time playing with him giving him the pleasure of letting him think he's dominating me. When he starts really feeling it then I'll thrust my final attack upon him and let her watch him beg me to stop. Wouldn't she feel special that she would get to watch that?"

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now