Chapter 159 - A New Dawn

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A/N: I took this picture on Christmas Eve 2017 right before sunrise - Rajgir Wildlife Sanctuary in the Nalanda district, Bihar India.


"I have new devotees."

"No ... didn't you hear what Scarface said?" Zhong Lin stood with his hands on his hips facing the Snow Lion. "Those demon scouts thought that ... 'monument' as you insist on calling it was an altar to the primordial demon god they call "Life-bringer." They were there for him ... or her but not for you."

"If you will not call it a monument then it is what Ming-a-ling-ding called it ... a 'certificate of achievement,'" grumbled out the beast.

Zhong Lin just shook his head with his mouth agape unable to form a reply.

Liu Jun decided to speak up. "I didn't know we still had acolytes that actively prayed to The Life-bringer. Many years ago before the borders where drawn, parts of Qing Qiu belonged to the Demon Realm. They probably thought Mogu's pile was an archeological find. Everything the Life-bringer stands for has been more or less integrated into our lives. He was highly revered as one of the first gods in the Demon Realm."

Zhong Lin nodded.

"He was also revered as the God of Defecation."

Zhong Lin turned now to face Liu Jun. "God of what?"

Suddenly, he felt something tap his elbow. Zhe Yan was reaching out with his fan.

"I know you're an important Master Housekeeper and all but down here in the fox den we're really relaxed. No need to stand with your elbows out like you're someone's auntie scolding some maids or servants. And stop clenching. Relax your stance or you're going to get abdominal soreness later."

Zhong Lin self-consciously let his arms fall by his side and relaxed his stance. "Uh, sorry High God Zhe Yan."

The old phoenix nodded back graciously. "Now continue, you were inquiring about the God of Defecation. Proceed," he said as he gestured his fan out towards the demon.

Zhong Lin turned to address Liu Jun.

"So, you're telling me the the bringer of life is also the ancient God of Defecation? How does that connect or even make sense?"

The demon just replied with a cold stare. "Life-bringer. What doesn't make sense to you?"

"I just thought ... the 'Life-bringer' would be like ... some sort of sun god or water god."

"Celestial, I thought with being the right hand of the former emperor of Heaven and Earth, you'd be a little sharper. But, I suppose Dijun just hires ... nice people ... despite their intelligence level."

Zhong Lin's face crumpled. "Hey, he hired you too! And you're not being very nice right now."

Both Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan began laughing silently into their teacups.

"Fine, if you need an explanation, I'll give you an explanation. Tell me, if you couldn't defecate, wouldn't you die?"

"Well ... immortals don't defecate unless their cultivation is disrupted and impure energy needs to be expelled."

"Yes, and if that impure energy isn't dispelled wouldn't the immortal eventually die?" said the demon blandly. "I mean it's certainly true for mortals."

"Well ... after awhile if that immortal was completely backed-up ... the remaining cultivation would be contaminated and then implode ..."

"So there, it's obvious. Our ancient God of Defecation brought our realm the most life-giving gift there is. I don't know why you can't understand that. Defecation is life."

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now