Chapter 150 - A Spectrum of Apologies

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"Okay, so maybe he's not a traditional animal. I mean we all know he's prehistoric," said Mo Yuan scratching at his baby beard. "It would be a beast that no longer roams the realms."

"Mo Yuan's right," said Zhe Yan. "Xiao Jiu, when he became beastly, did you see him shift into anything?"

She thought about it and cocked her head to the side. She shook her head.

"No, it was just his usual naked form."

She gasped and immediately clapped her hand over her mouth.

Bai Yi covered his face with both his hands and an angst-ridden moan filled the fox den.



"Oh sweetheart," mumbled Zhe Yan sympathetically. He watched as she glanced over at her mate with an anxious look as the almighty god slipped his arm around her waist pulling her closer into him. He gave her a fond reassuring look. His expression was untroubled and tranquil, like the surface of a lake on a calm spring day.

Dijun, maybe we should just go back to the Nine Heavens now. I know this look on him. He will explode, she said through telepathy.

We are going nowhere. You haven't had dinner yet and you haven't had breakfast. You wanted to leave after breakfast. We are staying. I am here, little fox. Everything will be fine.

Her lips scrunched together and he could see her eyes filled with worry but she nodded at him, easily putting all her trust in her mate.

"Usual ... naked ... form!?" Bai Yi spit out each word bitterly. His eyes darted back and forth, hostile and full of strife.

"Look Bai Yi, if it makes you feel better, both Zhe Yan and I have seen his naked body." The God of War's demeanor and voice was composed and collected as usual.

"What? You've both seen him naked?" Bai Yi's brow furrowed. He seemed to have trouble processing that piece of information.

"It was no big deal," said Zhe Yan.

You're lying through your feathered-ass.

Zhe Yan ignored the God of War's telepathic chiding.

Mo Yuan's strategy was simple and Zhe Yan had picked up on it. To protect his Almost Eighteenth, he was going to take the attention away from her. At this point it would be easy to overwhelm and confuse her father. Just a few diversionary tactics would be necessary.

Just a little nudge here and there.

Zhe Yan continued to try to scale the crumbling walls of Bai Yi's comprehension levels.

"Dong Hua ran naked on the beaches of Bihai Cangling for many years after he was born. You know he is an eccentric ancient god. Every once in a while he regresses and grows fond of those yesteryears. Ask anyone at Tai Chen Palace. They know."

Zhe Yan knew that the more unnecessary and outrageous information Bai Yi was given, the more he would be distracted.

Bai Yi still had yet to release his face that was securely cupped between his two large hands.

Si Ming and Zhong Lin knew this was their cue.

"It's true High God Bai Yi. His Majesty sometimes roams the palace grounds in his ... usual naked form," said Zhong Lin with all the formality of a Master Housekeeper.

Ever since the chicken wing challenge, most of the fox den was now used to mobilizing together like an elite crisis management team or a special ops force to deal with potential events of an apocalyptic nature. It became normal to anticipate Bai Yi causing some sort of unnecessary conflict which could possibly lead to the almighty god responding with some kind of world-ending explosion.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now