Chapter 6 - Sweet Remorse

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When Feng Jiu woke up the next morning, she was sprawled out on her bed stretching and having the most satisfying yawn. She had kicked the blanket off in her sleep but somehow managed to keep her long braid intact, still looking as neat as when she first braided it. She sat up holding it in her hand marveling at her good fortune. She gave another stretch as she reached her little arms up as far as they would go. She yawned another formidable fox yawn and sat there trying to recollect how she ended up in bed. The last thing she remembered was looking around at the beautiful room Lord Mung Su had put her in.

Everything after that was a big blank. She sat down at the vanity to check her face and fix any stray hairs. Feeling that she looked presentable, she stood up and smoothed out any wrinkles on her robe. Her stomach growled loudly.

How strange, did I not eat dinner last night?

As she left her room and quietly closed the doors, she racked her brain to figure out what had happened yesterday.

Why couldn't she remember having dinner? She loved to eat, why would she skip dinner, she wondered. Before she could spend any more time on this mystery, she noticed a beautiful spacious courtyard up ahead. There were beautiful carved rock formations with potted bonsai plants placed on them. To the other side was a small pond with large koi fish. Next to the pond was a flowering phoenix flower tree. Not too far away from that was a stone table with four matching stools.

This old bear really knew how to take care of his house she thought. As she meandered through the courtyard, she could hear voices not too far away. Up ahead she could see the main hall; the smell of the food wafted out beckoning to her. She hurriedly made her way over the threshold, seeing Dijun and Lord Mung Su sitting on cushions at the table having breakfast.

There was an empty seat for her marked by the prettiest peach-colored cushion with gold embroidery. She sat down and brightly greeted Lord Mung Su and Dong Hua Dijun. Lord Mung Su was effusive in his warm greetings towards her.

"Did the little highness sleep well? Is the room to your liking?"

"Oh, it's beautiful, thank you. And I slept so well. It's probably the best sleep I've had in a long time," she cheerfully replied.

She looked over at Dong Hua who still hadn't even acknowledged her presence.

What is wrong with him? He's such a grump sometimes.

Lord Mung Su nudged her to start eating. The table was filled with her favorite dishes.

He lives well and he eats well.

She made a mental note to visit this old bear with Third Uncle next time.

As she bit into a sumptuous piece of eggplant braised in garlic black bean sauce, Dong Hua finally spoke up.

"Are you sore?" he asked casually.

She chewed and swallowed her food before she looked at him confusedly.

"Why would I be sore?" she softly asked.

"Well, you spent at least half of your cultivation trying to physically assault me last night. I thought you'd be sore this morning," he said looking at her blankly.

She face turned beet red. She looked back down at her food. What was he talking about?

She looked up with a worried expression. "I.... I..... but, .... D-D-D-Dijun, why would I try to assault Your Majesty?"

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now