Chapter 99 - The Myth

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Is Xiao Jiu ok? Asked Zhe Yan through the telepathic channel.

Dong Hua just continued pacing. Mo Yuan was often pensive so the almighty god thought nothing of it when the God of War was silent.

She's not with him and he didn't mention her. I felt into her spark and she seems fine. Perhaps this is an unrelated matter. But I need you to come now. Give me a war, an ambush, a blood bath, and I'm fine but I am not equipped to deal with psychiatric patients. Especially him. I'd rather crawl back into that cataclysmic bell.

But he was fine when Bai Zhen and I last saw him a couple of days ago. He even remembered how to be a doctor which surprised me, said the old phoenix.

Maybe this is what's called 'rapid decline.' I don't know. All I know is that he made sense when he first got here. Then he got weird and now he's descended into madness. If he forgets who I am and becomes violent I'm afraid my still recovering cultivation and all my disciples will evaporate into Nothingness. Please consider making your arrival—and soon.

Fine. Let me consider which herbal anti-psychotics I can pack into my sleeve and Zhen Zhen and I will be there.

"So do you have any ideas about this quiet fur-man?" asked Dong Hua who was still slowly pacing.

"Let's go to my study. Have you been thinking of this quiet fur-man often?" asked Mo Yuan cautiously as they walked side by side.

"I've only recently learned of him and his offsprings' existence. At that time there seemed to be no serious threats associated with him though I was quite curious about his true identity. A recent turn of events have made me question his true motives and his origins."

Mo Yuan nodded attentively. "And when you think of this quiet fur-man ... how does it make you feel?"

Dong Hua looked at the God of War curiously. This was not a line of questioning he was used to. They talked about stratagems and politics, but never feelings.

Still his little fox had taught him the importance about using his words to express himself. It made him feel closer to her just by trying to apply what she had taught him.

"I ... I feel helpless. Honestly, it's not a feeling I'm used to."

Mo Yuan nodded. "I can relate. Tell me more," he said quietly.

"You and I have been tasked to watch over the safety of the realms. It is something we do not take lightly as many lives rest in the balance of the decisions we make. Do you know what it feels like to finally have found something meaningful beyond that? Something that feels like it is your own?" Dong Hua looked down with a small smile. "Of course you do."

"And do you know what it feels like to think you've lost that after it just recently emerged in your life? ... Of course you do," said the almighty god.

If Dong Hua hadn't had his finger on the pulse of what had plagued Mo Yuan after he awoke after 70, 000 or so years of putting his shattered soul together, only to have it shatter in another way completely upon finding his beloved white fox was betrothed to his twin brother, he would have believed their initial assessment. The ancient god had lived too long and seen too much. Something had to give. Demented or not, the almighty god was startlingly emotionally present and empathetic in a way that the God of War could have never imagined possible.

Mo Yuan knew this was due to Xiao Jiu's loving presence.

Before they could continue, Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen emerged in the study from their peach-colored luminescence.

Zhe Yan whispered to his partner, "make no sudden movements and let me handle the talking."

"Dong Hua. It's good to see you ... again. I'm just curious, do you know where you are? And who I am?" spoke the old phoenix deity in a relaxed, calm and measured tone.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now