Chapter 76 - In Good Hands

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A/N: Chapter inspired by a much beloved synth-pop ballad, Somebody by Depeche Mode. If you haven't heard it, give it a listen. It's my Dong Hua's thoughts.


"Well, if it isn't the warrior princess and her mount. He must be in his immortal form. How closely he resembles his master."

She was grateful for Third Prince Lian Song's interruption though she wished he wouldn't taunt Dijun like that.

He pointed his closed fan up and down over to Dong Hua with amusement on his face. He then extended a hand to help her up from her cushion.

She could feel the the icy tower of Dijun's body hover behind her as she stood facing Lian Song.

"So, Feng Jiu, how have you been since we last met and had hot pot? Have you thought anymore about what we talked about?"

She nodded. "I've been good. Very good. And I've thought a lot about what we talked about and I think I've come up with some ideas. Like you said, it requires a fine balance."

What ideas? Somehow, his writing down her back tickled her more in a standing position.

Lian Song began fanning himself while nodding. He looked behind her shoulder. "Ah, Dong Hua Dijun, I'm sorry I haven't greeted you yet. I thought it was just the Snow Lion in his immortal form. You two have the same white hair and the same resting ice-face."

Feng Jiu couldn't hide her smile but she shook her head slightly at Lian Song. She knew Dijun was already mad and Third Prince was just asking for death-play to be initiated.

Lian Song just winked back at her.

She projected her thoughts to him.

Lian Song, the old rock's not happy. Be careful.

Dear dear Feng Jiu you just made it worse, replied Lian Song telepathically with a smirk.

Little fox, this old rock can hear you.

His cold fingers danced down her back making her squirm slightly at the sensation.

She was so flustered she had forgotten that telepathy was not something that could be used around the almighty god, at least not while he was standing right behind her.

From across the room Si Ming could see His Lordship, Third Prince Lian Song, and the little highness standing in a huddle, completely silent and just staring at one another. Was this a staring contest, he wondered? She had pouted to him recently that she had lost a staring contest with Dijun on their way back from court on that cursed day for him. She seemed to have roped Third Prince into playing with her since she couldn't win against Dijun.

They could hear his bells as he approached. Si Ming walked up to the group, gave a deep bow and then just stood there studying the configuration of teams to see where he could join in. His Majesty was standing behind the little highness and Lian Song was standing across from her. That meant if he wanted to play then he would have to be on Lian Song's team though he rather be on Her Highness's team. Si Ming stood behind and a little off to the side of Lian Song, just in the same way that Dong Hua was standing behind the princess. He was nervous to go up against the almighty god but he figured that's what he deserved for joining in on the game late.

What's he doing? I can feel his breath on my ear, said Lian Song telepathically with some uneasiness.

I don't know he seems to be staring at His Majesty, she replied back through her thoughts.

Everyone stood there awkwardly. Si Ming seemed to be boring holes into Dong Hua who just kept staring back at him with his trademark bored expression.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now