Chapter 45 - Don't Try To Steal From Me

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A/N: Orange infused sweet ricotta peach cookies. Picture borrowed from Pinterest. Original site is


Feng Jiu manifested the peach cookies she had made to contribute to the hot pot dinner. Lian Song looked at them and immediately started to salivate. He reached over to take one when she playfully swatted at his hand. 

"I have to put some aside for Dijun, first."

He frowned. 

That lucky bastard.  He curses me with impotency and he still gets pastries? There is no justice in the Nine Heavens. Maybe that old fool will fall into one of those holes around here and break one of his ancient legs.

She had made sure to leave a portion of the cookies for Chia Yuan. She made Lian Song hold his hand up in a solemn vow to promise to not eat them. As they started to stuff their mouths with her delicious cookies, Chia Yuan manifested from her marigold aura. She was panting as if she was trying to outrun a Chiyan beast.

"Hey Chia Yuan, come eat some coo—" Feng Jiu tried to say before she was interrupted by her frantic friend.

"Dong Hua Dijun is on his way. The other servants tried to stall him but he's completely ignored them after they wouldn't tell him where the princess was. I aura-traveled here as fast as I could." She was panting so much she looked like she was about to keel over.

Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder crashed out from the sky.

The little fox princess jumped in her seat at the noise. "You told me he was at the meeting with.."

"I thought so, too... quick, we don't have any time to hide you anywhere else, Chia Yuan, you know what to do." 

His Master Housekeeper nodded and lead Feng Jiu away from the dining table into the corner of the room. The fairy immediately placed a marigold yellow invisibility barrier over her and the little highness. Lian Song then waved his hand and placed a another bright pale yellow protective barrier over Chia Yuan's. 

Feng Jiu clung to the fairy who wrapped her arms tightly around the little fox princess who looked up in astonishment at the layers of protection over her. She knew that Third Prince's magic would be powerful but she was in awe that even the fairy's magic was particularly strong. Apparently, the requirements to be a Master Housekeeper were quite rigorous. If this was Chia Yuan's level of magic, what of Zhong Lin's? Maybe she could learn from him; she decided she would need to challenge him to a duel if she were ever make it out alive after tonight.

It was only seconds later when Dong Hua appeared in his blue luminescene. He looked calm and unhurried as always. There was no hint of anger or rage. Feng Jiu knew that this would be no reliable indication for what would come later.

Lian Song was leisurely eating while he looked up from the table. "Dong Hua! I had no idea you would be paying me a visit tonight." He flashed a welcoming smile, "come sit, have some hot pot with me."

Dong Hua stood frozen. The only movement came from his eyes that looked over to the seat Third Prince had gestured to and then back over to Lian Song.

"Where is she?" he asked evenly.

"Oh, you mean my lovely date?" asked Lian Song with a smirk. "I really like this one. I could sit and stare at her all day ... and night." 

He knew he was playing with fire but he couldn't resist. 

Underneath the magical yellow bubble in the corner of the room, Chia Yuan could not help but shake her head disapprovingly at His Highness. This is not the time to be playful.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now