Chapter 167 - And So They Flourish

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Feng Jiu let out a screech of joy when she saw the heart that Dijun drew around her claw marks. Her excitement was such that her rump was wiggling out of control, making her lose her balance. After unsuccessfully trying to regain her footing with frantic shuffling of her hind legs over his head and nowhere for her front paws to land, she toppled over and fell off.

She yipped out in alarm but Dong Hua caught her in a safe and secure hold. "Urff!" Her body softly rocked back into his arms from the force of the fall.

She affectionately rubbed her face into his body before he held her up to show how he had memorialized his love for her. She shifted in his strong arms with restless excitement and sniffed at the wall.

Her long eyelashes fluttered and her whiskers twitched. She purred while still gazing at the heart. He heard a few soft fox warbles as she affectionately rubbed her snout into his arm and then licked him on his hand a few times.

He wasn't completely sure what she had said but he decided to take a leap of faith with trusting his instincts.

"I love you too, little fox," he whispered.

She looked up at him batting her long fox lashes. His hair was disheveled and soft wispy white tendrils framed his handsome face. Dark eyes studied her, his full bottom lip quivered slightly.

Dijun, you understood me?

He nodded with his lips relaxing leisurely into a small smile. "Somehow I did."

Dijun, you'll do great at fox school!

"I promise to make you proud."


Liu Jun held his toned and strong arms out in a grand gesture. "Take any wall you want!" his deep voice bellowed.

Zhong Lin just stood there staring at the tall black form and blinked a few times before swallowing nervously. His eyes shifted to the left and then to the right, his vision drowning in red. His frantic heart went rogue and the beats fluttered and faltered into a spasmodic rhythm.

"Use your weapon of choice and slash, gash, and tear at the wall as if you were making your next kill!"

Dong Hua turned around with his little fox still nestled in his arms.

He observed the scene before him. So the commotion was all about this. He knew the only "weapon of choice" Zhong Lin had was a feather duster which would only dust away some of the black ash on the walls, much to the demon's displeasure.

The almighty god knew he had to intervene, albeit covertly. He opened a private telepathic channel to his loyal steward.

Pick whatever weapons you want and I will make sure they cause decent damage to the wall.

OH, thank you thank you thank you, Your Majesty. Um ... I've been practicing throwing daggers at my bedroom wall ... you know for sparring with Her Highness ... I mean Her Majesty.

That will suffice.

Zhong Lin conjured up the borrowed silver daggers in his hand. It was his style after all, understated and neat.

Liu Jun's eyes gleamed brightly and he growled with excitement.

Mogu looked on apathetically with his resting beast-face.

She tried to imitate her demon bodyguard's growl. The gurgle crawling up her little fox throat ended up sounding like she was straining from constipation.

Dong Hua looked down at her in his arms and frowned.

Throw them!! she yelled out telepathically while wiggling her little fox body in anticipation.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now