Chapter 105 - The Ocean, An Archive.

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A/N: Image credit mine, Hawaii, but how can I take credit for only capturing a moment in time for something that belongs to the world?

A short chapter, but undiluted. Still cooking. Warning - mature content. A tad bit steamy, glasses may fog up. But that's why I wear contacts. 😉

Also since I've decided this is just volume one, not everything will be resolved in this book, only the most important thing, which is discovering their undying devotion to each other. I have no bandwidth for any other kind of peripheral plot for the rest of this story. The realms can wait. Right now, it's just them.


"Little fox, if you continue pawing at me, we will not only miss breakfast, but we'll miss the afternoon meal, as well as dinner. How will your family ever let me take care of you if you waste away?"

He had finally gotten her attention. "My family?" she asked as she raised her lips slightly from his jugular.

He nodded. "I figure they should know that a tail-less silver fox will be joining their ranks, soon."


She was raised slightly on her knees in a straddled position on his lap, mouthing at his neck before he caught her attention with mention of her family.

She sat back down only to realize the seat she was sitting on wasn't his thighs, it was his two large palms. She squeaked with surprise as her cold seat lightly squeezed her bottom and began massaging her.

"Ohh," she remarked approvingly at the way his hands slowly and expertly pampered her posterior. Foxes had sensitive rumps and she found the experience he was providing her highly pleasing. She gripped his shoulders with her small hands and began rubbing her bottom into his palms very much how she would in her fox form if she had found a good spot like a tree or boulder that she could rub her rear into.

He leaned down to whisper in her ear, "I was going to discuss stratagems with my introduction as your silver fox, but apparently my little gyrating red fox has other priorities."

She tenderly nuzzled into his face and made some odd chirpy sound that was then followed by purring, He was immediately rendered helpless and nothing else besides her mattered in the moment.

She found his lips and easily gained access into his mouth where she urged him to come out and play with her.

He softly groaned at how easily she sought him out with soft wet swirls and teasing darts of her tongue. The wet sounds of their kissing soon created a cadence and rhythm for their responsive hips. She was becoming far less shy about this aspect of their love-play and he welcomed the friction and heat that radiated from her core. He knew that there would never be anything like her playful, unwavering, and sweet need for him.

He pulled at the sash of her robe and unraveled it around her waist. He untied the small already loosened bow under her arm that kept the collar of her robe together. Without disrupting their kisses, he gently brought down her arms from around his shoulders so he could slip her robe off.

He ran his hands down the length of her bare shoulders and down her back. His fingers toyed with the small tie that kept her undergarment in place over her breasts. He ran the back of his fingers lightly down her bare stomach.

As he continued kissing her deeply, he alternated between sucking her sweet soft lips and engaging fully in tongue-play. He gently adjusted her sitting position so that he could easily lower her down onto the bed as he positioned himself between her legs. He unwrapped the rest of her robe around her waist and let it drop to the bed.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now