Epilogue - The Sweet Surprise

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(Image credit - Timothy Dykes on Unsplash.com)


The little red fox was running so quickly through the forest she thought she'd trip over her own paws. She panted so hard as she pushed her legs as fast as they could go. Over the grass, bouncing off the dried leaves, she bounded all the way to the clearing.

She whipped her head around, seeing its massive thick paws pound the ground, scattering leaves and snapping the twigs beneath its feet. The muscular legs flexed as it leapt at her. She could feel its breath trying to reach her — hah, hah, hah as it panted out. She screeched and frantically jumped over a log and somersaulted into the ground to only dig her claws into the dirt to catapult into a faster stride. Grass and leaves whirled in the air behind her.

She decided to change course and she zigged and zagged, dashing left and right, trying desperately to use her quick reflexes to throw off her pursuer.

She could feel the beast gaining on her and she was about to manifest her nine tails to propel her faster when she felt a swipe at her hind ankle that sent her tumbling into the ground. She yelped and rolled several times into the grass before she landed on her back.

She could not escape.

Immediately, its large form emerged over her, practically blocking out the sky. She looked up at its dark eyes and whimpered. Two large paws anchored into the ground, flanking her sides.

She was trapped.

Her dark lashes fluttered as she looked up at her captor. A low growl was released before large jaws descended on her.

And then she was bathed in wetness.

The raspy cold tongue lathed over her face and she cackled and playfully kicked her hind legs into the soft belly of her mate. Her front paws grasped at his neck while he rubbed his cold nose over hers, tenderly nudging fox kisses into her face.

The silver fox was almost twice as big as her and had a majestic regal bearing. His soft fur was almost but not quite white. He was a perfect specimen except for his lack of a bushy tail that foxes were known for.

The little red fox returned his kisses and licked under his chin and into the side of his face. She leaned up and gently booped her nose into his. His eyes widened at the surprise and then with a "hmph" ran his tongue lovingly over her head as she purred.

After a few moments she rolled over and scurried from under his strong towering body and started scampering away while he looked on in confusion.

She turned around a few feet from him and lowered her head into a play-bow, stretching out her front legs while raising her rump high in the air. Her bushy white-tipped tail waved playfully and she yipped at him.

The large silver fox stood still like a statue for a moment before tilting his head to the side. Her wiggling rump and hypnotic wagging of her tail had gotten his full attention.

She did a full turn and lowered in a play-bow position again, enticing him to play with her.

He took a step forward and she moved back several steps, encouraging him to continue moving towards her. She screeched and yapped at him and then panted excitedly.

The little red fox turned to scurry a few feet away before looking over her shoulder, throwing another playful screech in his direction. She started running and he followed swiftly behind.

She ran through fields of grass and then down a dirt path that progressively became more damp. It had recently rained; the air was still humid.

She surprised him by jumping into a large puddle and turned to face him. He abruptly stopped in his tracks. The large silver fox stood hesitantly at the edge of the muddy mess. By this time the little red fox had pranced around into the puddle, lowered her body to roll in it and even dug up a plop of mud with her snout and flicked it over at him.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now