Chapter 158 - Trial By Fire/All Debts Must Be Paid Pt. II

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A/N: Probably at most a few more chapters before this volume ends. I've been horrible at estimating this so believe me at your own risk.


It was a couple of hours until dawn and the Snow Lion had been guarding the entrance of the fox den for some time. His muscles were tense under his white fur, twitching in response to every single sound that could be heard.

A low guttural Ruuu crept out of the beast's throat as he extended his sight out for over a mile in every direction. 

Satisfied that he could sense nothing threatening, he decided to see if any of the fox den's inhabitants were awake so he could warn them of the demon presence that his comrade had discovered. Before entering the fox den, he erected a white protective barrier that would allow no one except Liu Jun to pass through.

As he quietly made his way into the large living area lit with candles and large night pearls, he noticed that the old phoenix and his fox mate was seated at a stone table with a pot of tea between them. 

Zhe Yan nodded in acknowledgement at the beast before sipping his tea. 

"You are not doing the sleep?" asked the Snow Lion.

"No, I'm afraid Zhen Zhen and I couldn't sleep."

"Did you not play the games?" asked Mogu curiously. 

Bai Zhen's eyebrows raised questioningly. "Games?"

Mogu nodded his heavy white head. "The mating games with the wagging fox tails and fanned-out tail feathers. Last time you played it in my cave did it not make you feel tired afterwards? So you can do the sleep."

The fox shot his partner a look and whispered furiously. "You said he'd be too medicine-drunk to know what was happening!"  

"I saw his eyeballs rolling around, I was sure he'd lose consciousness soon!" whispered the old phoenix. He turned towards the Snow Lion with a polite smile. "Um, no games tonight I'm afraid." 

"Where's your demon friend? I heard Xiao Jiu sent you to the lake to retrieve some things." He was eager to change the subject.

"The deed is done. He sent me back to guard the fox den after he hastily shoved his balls at me," grumbled out the beast. 

Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan briefly exchanged curious looks.

"So ... what happened?" The old phoenix shifted in his seat to face the beast.

Mogu blinked a few times.

"I accepted his balls," he gruffly replied. "After he almost smashed them into my face."

"And?" asked Zhe Yan while grimacing at the image.

Mogu blinked a few more times. "And what?" 

The old phoenix couldn't help but notice the Snow Lion had the typical blank vacant look that his master often had. 

Zhe Yan sighed. "You said you 'accepted' them. Isn't this your dream come true? Did you rip into them? You probably tore them right off didn't you. Is he lying somewhere bleeding out? Do I need to attend to him?  If so, time is of the essence. I haven't treated a demon in a while but I'm sure I could figure it out. I don't care what creature you are, balls are balls. Look if it's really that bad I can get Dong Hua to do the surgery. Xiao Jiu will be upset so I can easily shift the messy task over to him, he won't be able to refuse."

The beast was completely overwhelmed with the amount of information that came his way from the twittering old bird. This was probably who taught his chatty mistress to talk, he mused. 

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now