Chapter 39 - The Gift of Authenticity

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As the God of War and High God Zhe Yan aura-traveled to Tai Chen Palace, their respective dragon and phoenix cultivations hovered slightly over Dong Hua's room before landing.

"Did you open your senses and solidify your form yet?" asked Zhe Yan.

"No, have you?" asked Mo Yuan.

"No, I'm afraid of what I'm going to see ... and hear," said the old phoenix.

"They're supposed to be playing Go, remember?" reminded the God of War calmly.

"But what if they're not. Why don't you peek and then let me know."

"You seem to have forgotten that between the two of us, I'm the Taoist priest and you're the one who makes wine and has a husband... Oh, you're also the most gifted Celestial physician of all time so I think you're highly qualified to see and hear anything they might be doing. I, on the other hand, am completely outside of my scope of expertise."

Zhe Yan sighed.

"As their family physician I'm sure you've seen every Bai naked," said Mo Yuan in a completely detached manner.

"Oh, you just had to go there. But that's a completely objective professional context that doesn't include Dong Hua. She's like my kid, the thought of Dong Hua doing anything to her makes me want to burst into flames. And didn't you say they were probably just playing Go?"

"I'm just preparing you for the worst possible outcome, it's a military stratagem us warriors use a lot," said the God of War matter-of-factly. I'm trying to help you take the emotion out of this. "Why did you think I didn't invite Bai Zhen to go with us? If Dong Hua was seducing her, we'd have a bloodbath on our hands, forget about playing Go."

"Fine, I'll look," said Zhe Yan. The scene below him looked innocent enough. Both were fully dressed and sitting across from each other with the Go board on the low table between them.

"It's fine Mo Yuan, go ahead and open your senses. I promise your virgin eyes and ears won't be defiled," Zhe Yan smirked.

Both High Gods manifested in their full immortal form but were cloaked under an invisiblity spell.

Zhe Yan looked over at the God of War and coughed. "Um, Mo Yuan, just because we're under an invisibility spell doesn't mean you can completely let go of keeping appearances. I can still see you. I think your hair came undone while we aura-traveled."

Mo Yuan looked down at himself. "Ah, apologies. After the whole Dong Huang bell incident my powers are still trying to reconfigure and recalibrate. This sometimes happens." He smiled calmly. "Why, does this bother you?"

"It's just that you're usually so formal and stiff, seeing you so casual is a little off-putting

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"It's just that you're usually so formal and stiff, seeing you so casual is a little off-putting." Zhe Yan pointed his fan up and down to the God of War. " Also, if we need to confront Dong Hua, I don't think he's going to take us seriously if you're going to show up to the fight looking like this."

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now