Chapter 138 - The Boiling Point

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She sat at the edge of the hot springs with her legs dangling in the water. She reached out with her foot and flexed her toes to run them up his thigh. He didn't want to call attention to himself looking at her for fear of Zhe Yan figuring out she was there with him. He deftly grabbed her ankle under the water and playfully squeezed it. 

From his peripheral vision he could see her silently mouth I love you. It took everything he had in him to not impulsively settle himself between her legs and to pull her soft wet body into him. He imagined his hand tilting her smooth neck back before lowering his lips down to consume her sweet mouth into a deep kiss. Steam lifted in wisps from the water around him as Dong Hua ran his middle finger slowly up her calf. Before he knew what he was doing, he replied, "I love you," to her.

Out loud.

"What did you say to me Dong Hua?" asked Zhe Yan who had protectively turned his back to the almighty god when he felt like he was being invasively ogled like a plate of soon-to-be destroyed chicken wings.

When the old phoenix turned around with a sour look on his face, the almighty god knew that Zhe Yan had heard him.

"Did you just tell me you loved me?" he asked incredulously.

Dong Hua could hear her trying to stifle her giggle and he immediately placed her under a sound barrier with the invisibility one she was under. He reinforced his magic around her knowing that the oldest phoenix deity's cultivation was powerful.

"Dong Hua, what the hell has gotten into you? It's one thing for you to be physically desirous of me but bringing emotion into this is far too complicated for you. When it comes to relationships and feelings you were practically born yesterday. Polyamory is not for you. Trust me. It's too complicated and I know Xiao Jiu won't want to share you."

Feng Jiu had no idea what polyamory was but she nodded in agreement that she did not want to share her librarian.

She was delighted that she was not only invisible, but also that Zhe Yan could not hear her. She excitedly jumped up and ran over to the old phoenix. She waved her hands over his face while he was talking.

"You know I am mated. I love Zhen Zhen far too much. This," said Zhe Yan emphatically while pointing to Dong Hua and then back at himself, "cannot happen."

Dong Hua stared at him blankly. "It won't" was all the said. He couldn't help but cement his gaze to her naked lithe form that had begun playfully dancing in front of the old phoenix.

Zhe Yan who was completely unaware of the dancing nude little fox princess just shook his head. "After all these years of not knowing love and now multiple yearnings have been awakened. I know it must be hard for you Dong Hua" ... the old phoenix glanced down at the water, "poor choice of my words."

Dong Hua was not listening to Zhe Yan at all. The rhythmic sway of her hips had Dong Hua's hardness stand at attention and his eyes smoldered with lust. With how he had put her hair up, there wasn't a part of her body that escaped his hungry gaze.

"Hey, Dong Hua, stop looking at me like that. I told you to put it away and that thing is practically a sea monster that's rising up from the depths. Stop it," hissed Zhe Yan.

By this time she had turned around facing Dong Hua with a teasing smirk. She blew him a kiss and began shimmying her hips before turning around to wiggle her bottom at him.

Dong Hua became fully and bountifully aroused. A low growl purred its way out from the back of his throat and his gaze was filled with desire.

"Hey Dong Hua, I'm telling you. Stop looking at me like that and making those sounds. And put that away. You're creeping me out."

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now