Chapter 55 - Playing With Fire

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The little fox princess pointed her secretly purple bandaged finger right at Hao De's face.

The old Heavenly Lord sat on his throne slack-jawed as the rest of the immortals stood and gasped.  The gasp was a reflex which re-engaged everyone's normal breathing process. The gods quickly covered their noses and mouths with their hands upon having to make contact with the murderous stench. Everyone's eyes followed the little highness's finger as it pointed at Hao De's groin area where she briefly paused. Again, everyone gasped as the Heavenly Lord bent his head down to look between his legs before glancing back up at her angrily. 

"What is the meaning of this?" he yelled out. "Why you little—" he snarled before Dong Hua emerged out of nowhere and stood in front of the little princess. Everyone who was still conscious in the throne room stood up expecting a fight to break out between the current and former emperor. Everyone knew that if Tianjun continued his tirade, Dong Hua Dijun would wipe the floor with him.

"Little what?" asked the almighty god as he stared directly into the Tianjun's red bloodshot crazed eyes. Dong Hua's demeanor was calm and his face indifferent. Dong Hua had stood directly in front of the little highness so she could not see what was happening. She bent down slightly, clutched the side of his robes and nuzzled her head through the space between his left side and his arm.

Dong Hua glanced down at her little head poking though. Everyone turned to look at her. Lian Song decided that Dong Hua looked like he was giving birth to her on the side of his body and began snickering. He immediately regretted laughing due to the acrid air that slipped and snuck its way into his nose, almost burning the edges of his nostrils. He had a brief coughing fit which everyone ignored due to being focused on Dong Hua's new appendage.

The little fox princess stared back at Hao De without a hint of fear as Dong Hua affectionately stroked the soft space between her neck and chin with his long slender fingers. She was eager to see if there would indeed be a fight amongst the titans of the throne room. The almighty god looked back at Hao De.

"Little what? You were saying?" Dong Hua blinked only once before drilling his stare into the Heavenly Lord with cold intensity.

Everyone could hear Hao De's labored shallow breaths before he weakly replied "little ... little amazing detective." His tired red eyes slunk its gaze onto the floor.

Dong Hua nodded with satisfaction. He gently extracted her from under his arm and gently nudged her to stand a couple of feet in front of him. She looked back at him and he gave her a slight nod.

She turned back to face Tianjun. She wrinkled her nose at the intense smell in the room. The unforgiving stench was making her nauseous and slightly dizzy.

"If Your Majesty would have let me finish speaking, I would have told you that I was pointing at your throne," she said calmly.

The other gods nodded slowly at the fascinating new developments with their hands still over the bottom half of their faces. Somehow the stench was stronger than how they remembered it. There was a burning sensation everyone felt around their eyes. Feng Jiu briefly took this chance while everyone was wiping away tears to glance back at Si Ming who looked panic-stricken.

She turned around and faced Hao De, again, who was looking down at his throne bewilderedly.

"The smell is coming from under your throne, Your Majesty," she said matter-of-factly.

"What?" Tianjun roared, looking down at the base of his throne.

Dong Hua knew this was going to take forever if he did not move it along.

"Tianjun, I suggest you take the princess's assessment seriously as you were the one who pointed out her superb fox senses. Perhaps you should inspect your throne," Dong Hua blandly suggested.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now