Chapter 125 - The Art of Pillow Talk Pt. III

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(Image credit - Patrick Connor Klopf on


His thoughts drifted out to the vast blue expanse. It had been some time since he had returned to the ocean. He imagined sailing with his little fox. He could see her in her fox form cradled in his arms as he stood on the upper deck of the ship gazing out at the yellow and peach hues of the sun setting into the lazuline horizon. The gusty winds would blow through her red fur and whiskers as she sniffed into the fresh sea air.

He knew she would love the fresh octopus he could catch and then grill for her. He'd make sweet and sour fish for dinner and they could snuggle and sleep on the deck in a soft nest of blankets and pillows as they floated underneath the stars.

If the night sea breeze became too chilly for her, he'd carry her below deck into their cabin and make a nest there for them. He could see her reclining back onto his chest, playing with a section of his hair while bundled in a soft while mulberry silk robe. They could read books, have snacks, and love-play for as long as she wanted until she would fall asleep in his arms.

He looked down at his mate. She sat in his lap as she nestled her sleepy face into his chest. The soft glisten of her wet fervid skin stuck to him as his cold body began cooling her down. He brushed wayward wet strands of her hair that stuck to her face behind her ear and kissed her forehead tenderly several times.

She sighed deeply and contentedly.

Dong Hua had held her like this as she slept on their last night under their Celestial tree. When he woke up before dawn, it was dark and quiet, as if there were no others in existence, a primordial moment only for them. The calm dark waters of the lake communed in a shared silence with the rest of the landscape. While she was completely light, he had started to feel the weight of this peculiar and unfamiliar affection he felt for this little fox princess.

He could never have imagined holding her in this same way while being still intimately joined with her in post-coitus bliss. He cast the scene out before him from the charm he cherished and held close to his heart.

He smiled out at how she had made the charm to be energetically adaptive for her librarian. A moment ago he had remembered the scene at twilight and that's exactly how it manifested before him. It was no different than her. Unlike his rigid and aloof tendencies, she was always limber, pliant, and eager to please. He placed a soft lingering kiss on her shoulder and smiled at how he had just experienced that with her not too long ago.

He brushed her long raven hair that fell all the way to her bottom aside so he could softly rub her back as he gazed out into the energetic capsule of her mind's eye. Her heartfelt memory of where she fell in love with the heartless god would forever be etched into the softest imperishable flower petals.

It was also there where the former emperor of Heaven and Earth found his heart in the rising and setting sun.

She stirred in his lap and the movement of the unexpected stimulation had him withhold a low moan he stealthily and silently exhaled. She appeared to still be comfortably resting and he didn't dare remove himself from her as he knew it'd wake her up. He stilled his body, ensuring it was submissive to his mind.

As her softly lit room started to brightly glow, he internally groaned.

In the epicenter of a white luminescence, their mount emerged from his aura.

Dong Hua sighed. He had forgotten that since Mogu was a cub, he had allowed only the Snow Lion to be able to enter his privacy barriers. The almighty god immediately reset his energetic programming to prevent this from happening again.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now