Chapter 121 - A Seat At the Table

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A/N: Thank you for all of the wonderful comments, votes, and for still reading! I'm so glad I didn't end this story last month as planned. It's winding down but I feel good I was able to make time to show life at the fox den. So much of their story was in the Nine Heavens; I really wanted him to see where she came from and to honor her family and heritage :)


"I can't believe Xiao Jiu had to explain something to us ... something sexual no less," said Bai Zhen as he shook his head as he thought about her locks and keys analogy. "It just boggles my mind how she's still so innocent, yet at the same time she's not anymore."

"She's growing up, Zhen Zhen while Dong Hua is ...."

"Growing down? ... whatever that means," muttered Bai Zhen.

Her screams from outside the wine cellar sent them flying out the door.


"Mogu!!" she screamed out to tried to get her mount's attention.

The beast continued to dig his face between Scarface's legs who tried to slide himself back and push the Snow Lion's head away.

It was as if the beast was stuck in an aggressive reverie and remained unresponsive to his mistress.

"Urmmm mrahh mmroh" the beast snarled out lecherously.

She began panicking. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Her phoenix flower birthmark on her forehead faintly glowed.

Her eyes flashed open and she yelled out "Stop!! Mistress commands you!"

The immortal beast snapped his head up which allowed Scarface the opportunity to quickly get back on his feet into a defensive stance. The little highness aura-traveled to stand between her mount and her demon bodyguard.

She panted heavily as she braced for the impact of her mount. She had expected him to charge at her.

Her mount stood unsteadily on his massive legs while his head rolled around until the beast collapsed with a loud thud into the peach forest which shook a bounty of peach blossom petals off their branches.

"Mogu!" she exclaimed in terror. She quickly turned around. "Scarface are you okay?" she asked while looking down at his crotch and then back up at his face. "I'm so sorry, I didn't have a chance to tell Mogu he's not to harass you."

"It's okay, Your Highness ... you've been busy," smirked the demon. "I'm still ... intact. Go check on him, I'm fine."

She nodded and hurriedly made her way to her mount. He was lying on his side with pink petals fallen over his massive white body. His eyes were closed while he panted out heavily.

Zhe Yan knelt down beside her and quickly began assessing the fallen beast. Bai Zhen was on her other side and pulled her to lean into him.

"What's wrong with him?" she asked worriedly.

Zhe Yan looked up and faced her. "Xiao Jiu, scan him. Tell me what you sense."

"I ... he seems physically fine to me," she said uncertainly.

Zhe Yan nodded. "Good, you magically examined him quickly and efficiently. You're right, he seems physically fine but we know that there is an intimate mind-body connection."

She nodded while slowly stroking her mount's head.

"Now I want you to scan him again, but this time use your heart-center," said the old phoenix.

She nodded. She closed her eyes and gently observed the Snow Lion's aura and extended her mind's eye into his.

"Oh," she said softly.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now