Chapter 21 - Crown of Love

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It had been one hundred years since Dong Hua Dijun had entered into seclusion, leaving no explanations. To the rest of the Nine Heavens, this was of little consequence because Dong Hua never had to explain himself to anyone, not even to the Tianjun, Hao De.

Si Ming, however, like Zhong Lin, was perplexed and worried by the sudden decision. The Star Lord had felt especially guilt-ridden by having to tell the little highness of Qing Qiu this news himself. He still couldn't forget the tears in her eyes as he turned to leave the fox den.

 He had gone back to the fox den sixty years ago to check up on her but was told by the tree spirit, who was obviously and understandably still miffed at him, that the little fox princess was wasn't there and he would give no information about her whereabouts. 

Si Ming sighed, reflecting on the karma that had come back to bite him. He had not offered her any answers when she worriedly asked about Dijun and now he was given no answers when he had worriedly asked about her.

He still remembered when Dijun specifically asked him to send a missive to the Owl Tribe letting them know he'd be personally picking up the golden walnuts he had requested. He wanted to look them over, making sure they were of the quality he wanted. He had also asked Zhong Lin to prepare his smallest but finest calligraphy brushes, ink, and magical mulberry paper. 

While Dong Hua had what seemed like infinite amounts of the rare and coveted paper, he only brought them out to be used for very special occasions. Si Ming knew this was all done for the little highness and it had warmed his heart to see Dijun court the little fox princess with such sweetness and care. This was a side of Dijun that neither Zhong Lin nor Si Ming had seen from His Majesty in all their time serving him. When they were abruptly told that Dong Hua would be going into seclusion, they knew something must be very wrong.

In the past, the former ruler of Heaven and Earth would travel to his place of birth, Bihai Cangling, the Holy Blue Sea, to stay in seclusion. He had never stayed at Tai Chen Palace to do this. The timing of everything was all wrong. In truth, Si Ming was disappointed with Dijun for how he treated her. Even if he was trying to protect her from something, couldn't he have done it in another way? 

Si Ming sighed and went to go reinforce Dong Hua's privacy barrier.

For a hundred years, Dong Hua had been purifying the miasma that had been wreaking havoc on his cultivation. The infection was under control and the stealth pathogen was slowly being vaporized by the strength of his healing aura. He had used a combination of high level Buddhist meditation, medical qi gong, and the constant intake of different herbal tonics he had created for himself over the years. He was now at the point where he did not need to be in a near constant meditative state. When he wasn't engaged in his meditative purifications, he would engage in painting and writing.

He had tied her charm onto his belt so he could easily caress it with his fingers whenever he missed her. There were times while he was purifying his aura, he'd cast out the beautiful scenery they had shared. He would be sitting under the pink and purple Celestial tree meditating while looking out onto the lake. Often he'd imagine her sitting and meditating right beside him. When he'd quietly rest after a long tiring day purifying his energies, he'd go through all the memories he had of her, from when she had first saved him on that grassy knoll, to when he was laying on the quilt with her as the Snow Lion, desperately wishing he could communicate with her.

 When he'd quietly rest after a long tiring day purifying his energies, he'd go through all the memories he had of her, from when she had first saved him on that grassy knoll, to when he was laying on the quilt with her as the Snow Lion, desperate...

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The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now