Chapter 134 - Security Blanket

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Liu Jun paced at the entrance of the kitchen of the fox den. He continually extended his fingers out and then fisted them up as his black cut-off leather gloves noisily stretched with each agitated movement.

From across the room in the common living area, Zhong Lin and Si Ming could see the demon pacing as if he was patrolling the kitchen.

When they walked over, they peered into the empty kitchen.

"Uh, Liu Jun," Si Ming called out cautiously trying to get the demon's attention. "Are you ok?"

Liu Jun huffed and looked around seemingly paranoid. "I've been caught off guard. I didn't know I needed to guard her in this way," he whispered fiercely.

Si Ming and Zhong Lin looked at each other curiously. "Who?" asked Zhong Lin.

The demon leaned forward. "Look, I know I signed up for this. I would lay down my life to protect her. Hell, I was hoping I'd get to slit some scrawny Celestial throats when we get back to the Nine Heavens if those sons-of-bitches dared to offend her. But this," the demon pointed towards the kitchen, "I have no idea what to do with this."

Zhong Lin and Si Ming crinkled their brows as they looked into the empty kitchen again.

Liu Jun sighed and waved his hand to allow the pair to see what he had hidden behind a privacy barrier.

Si Ming gasped and put his hand over his mouth. Zhong Lin looked on unfazed.

"What the hell do I do with this as her bodyguard?" the demon whisper-hissed.

"That's nothing," whispered Zhong Lin completely undaunted as he looked into the kitchen again.

Liu Jun narrowed his eyes. "You mean you've seen this before?"

"Well, not exactly," said Zhong Lin. "But they tell me a lot and well, I see it all in here," he said while pointing to his head.

"What?" whispered Liu Jun with a confused expression that not even the mask covering half of his pale face could hide.

Zhong Lin shook his head. "Believe me, you don't want to know. That there, is nothing compared to the visuals they have given me."

Liu Jun slowly looked into the kitchen and then back at Dong Hua's Celestial underlings.

"He is eating her face," whispered Liu Jun unable to hide his irritation.

Zhong Lin shrugged his shoulders. "Like I said. That's nothing."

"Actually, in the Nine Heavens and in Qing Qiu that's considered kissing, a sign of deep affection. It usually involves gentle or fierce nibbling or sucking on the lips and if it persists in intensity, then perhaps the meeting of tongues is introduced. In the Demon Realm there might be actual eating of the face, but I assure you, His Lordship would never hurt her," said Si Ming completely deadpan.

Liu Jun gave Si Ming an annoyed look. "Really? I know what kissing is."

Not like I've ever done it.

He huffed with increased agitation and pushed that thought away trying to refocus on being a bodyguard to a hormonal young fox princess who has the most handsome mate, ever.

"But we're in the fox den with her parents and grandparents. Especially, with that mean-ass father of hers. She can't be seen like this. There are too many High Gods in this fox den and Dijun's energetic signature right now is practically like a lightning storm ... with you know ... all that stuff going on."

Zhong Lin looked at Si Ming. "Hey, let's help," he said, to which the Star Lord nodded. They each placed another layer of magic to reinforce Liu Jun's privacy barrier.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now