Chapter 157 - The Return/A Perfect Exchange

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(Image credit - Eibsee, Grainau, Germany - Thomas Griesbeck at


She had ran the palm of her hand slowly over the wide expanse over his cold broad sculpted chest. She particularly liked the slight rise and dip over his chest muscles and the erect tips of his nipples.

"Pokey," she whispered to herself.

"Hmm?" he inquired with a slight rise of an eyebrow.

"Oh nothing," she said with a polite smile while she continued moving her hand over his upper torso as if she was meticulously polishing a fine piece of furniture.

Her mate knew he shouldn't be surprised at how she quickly mastered how to safely store her stick into his aura. Neither stick nor Dong Hua was damaged in the process. She had even traveled there when she had tried to find him when he was in seclusion. He was still new to the intricacies of a mate bond but he surmised it's what helped her navigate his energies in a way he knew no one else would be able to.

"Little fox, you've been pawing at me for what seems like half the night now. You've successfully stored your precious item, now can we have the serious talk?" He lifted her chin slightly with the tip of his finger to get her attention.

She nodded against the the light pressure of his finger. She was sitting in front of him in what he could only guess was her usual sitting position, kneeled on the soles of her feet giving her that extra few inches of height she coveted. The blanket was bunched around her chest and waist and flowed out around her like the petals of a flower.

Dong Hua placed his large hand at the base of her neck, letting the tips of his long slender fingers and thumb gently caress her collarbones.

She looked down and leaned into the soft cool touch. She noticed he seemed fond of that spot on her body over the last day or so.

"Xiao Bai, where is your pendant?" His voice was as velvet soft as his touch.

She slowly lifted her gaze to him and placed her small hand over his.


The demon and the immortal beast stood on the banks of Lake Wangsheng. Crickets weren't even out. The only sound that could be heard was the water quietly lapping on the shore.

"She said we could find them here."

The beast nodded his heavy head.

Liu Jun looked at Mogu and gestured a hand out to the lake. "After you."

The beast looked out towards the dark waters and grumbled something unintelligible and uneasily shifted his heavy weight from side to side over his paws.

"You do know how to ..."

The beast gave no reply.

Liu Jun sighed. "Then why did you insist on coming ... if you can't ... "

"I can fly!"

"Yes ... but can you fly in the water?" asked the demon with a challenging tone.

"I ... I can walk in the water!" grumbled the beast with a definitive nod.

The demon blinked several times. "So can everyone else ... until it gets too deep. Look, that's fine. I'll get them. Just ... light the way back for me."

The beast immediately illuminated his fur so that every strand radiated its brilliance. Even Liu Jun wouldn't deny the majestic white aura was a sight to behold.

He carefully took off the mask that hid half of his face and handed it to the Snow Lion before he realized the beast couldn't hold onto it. The demon didn't want to have to stuff it into the big cat's wet dribbling jaws so he awkwardly placed it carefully on the beast's head, flattening a part of the lion's mane.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now