Chapter 42 - Home Is Where the Heart Explodes

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Image credit - Photo of foxes by rachelbilodeau on Flickr


Her fingertips were still lightly touching his chest. She closed her eyes and zoned into Zhong Lin. 

Please take Si Ming back to his room and place a sleeping spell on him; I'll check on him later. 

Immediately she caught Zhong Lin's thoughts replying to her. Yes, Your Highness. 

She cocked her head slightly and reached her thoughts out to Third Prince. 

I was wondering if I could ask for your help, I have to attend to His Majesty ...

Say no more, Your Highness, I'll take care of the party, go ... I'll see you tonight, he replied.

She opened her eyes to see Dong Hua stare out into space indifferently. She lowered her hand and hooked her index finger into his and gave it a slight tug, "come with me," she whispered and a blue and rose gold luminescence faded from the courtyard as they disappeared.

Upon emerging in his bedroom, she pulled at his arm for him to follow her to his bed. She sat down beckoning him to follow suit. He sat next to her in a daze. She carefully interlaced her fingers into his cold hand and she slowly lowered herself down onto the bed. She gently pulled him down over her. 

He remembered not to crush her so only his chest hovered over her small form. Her fingers gently rubbed up and down the space between his cool, smooth, and slender fingers.

He was still completely bewildered at what was transpiring between them but he decided he would obediently follow her lead. This was the same position they were in earlier. The movement of her fingers softly stroking the space between his fingers soothed him.

He looked down at her thoroughly confused but also mesmerized.

"Everytime I got upset when I was younger, I'd go find someone to do this with," she explained.

"So ... this made you feel better ... just like this?" 

"Yes, but I was usually on top," she smirked smugly.

She can't possibly be referring to...

She noticed the slight crinkle in his forehead. "Does this not feel good, Dijun?" She scanned his face, concerned. "You should be feeling like a winner right now." Her tone was serious and solemn.

"Oh ... I feel like a winner, alright, Xiao Bai," he said taking a deep breath to steady himself. "So, you let yourself be like this with other people too?"

"When I was younger, yes. But now, only with you, Dijun," she looked up sweetly at him. "I'll only let myself go all the way with you." 

His heart began beating wildly in his chest.

"Only with me?" he repeated. 

She nodded. 

"All the way?" 

She nodded again. 

A whirlwind of confusion and desire spiraled up and down his spine. 

Is this what she wants? Is this a request? Is this a confession? Could Lian Song be right ...

"Are you intimidated that I used to do this a lot?" 

"How do you know I haven't had many chances to do this as well?" he asked looking down at her intently. "I used to be sought after by many ... for this ... and still now."

"Really? Did you win?" she asked, thoroughly surprised.

"What do you consider ... winning?" he asked carefully, his voice deepened at the last word he uttered.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now