Chapter 2 - After the Energetic Hug

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(Image found on Pinterest and credit belongs to the owner) 


She stood up unhurriedly and composed herself as she calmly stepped out of his cultivation sphere. She leisurely made her way to the courtyard and stood blocking the path to the entryway of the house. Drawing out her hand, she manifested her Tao Zhu sword. It sparkled and radiated in a brief pink flame before it took its shape. It was wielded from the strongest steel in Qing Qiu, the blade was carved with a design of vines and leaves. 

Tied to the rose quartz handle was a charm made from three small peach blossoms. These were gifted by High Deity Zhe Yan, the oldest living Phoenix Immortal, and owner of the Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms, a peach forest that bordered Qing Qiu. He was also partnered with her fourth uncle Bai Zhen and she had witnessed their loving union her whole life. 

When he gave her this magical charm, he mentioned that the blossoms tied to her sword would never wilt, each containing some of his cultivation and could be used whenever she was in danger. 

She harbored a brief regret that she had not thought to use one to protect her and her librarian in the forest. She brushed the regret aside. There was no time to look back; if these demons wanted to harm the former ruler of Heaven and Earth, they'd have to get through this fox little princess first she decided. 

The wind rustled the edges of her peach robe, the hemline singed with black soot. Her fox senses could hear at least five of them approaching.

The demons manifested from a black haze. As she had predicted, there were five and they stood menacingly a few feet from her in the courtyard. She bared her teeth and let out a low mighty fox growl. She had meant for this to be a terrifying warning to them but the leader let out a roaring laugh at her adorable display of intimidation and aggression.

"Our demon elders have good eyes. She would make a great little pet!"

Feng Jiu raised her chin and let out a frustrated "hmmph" and pointed her Tao Zhu sword at the leader.

"Today, this fox is going hunting. You must be my prey," she said with a smirk.

"Forget your games little girl, in a second, you will be begging us to not tear you apart!" the leader growled out.

In one sharp movement she slashed her sword across the courtyard creating a blinding pink sonic energetic gash into the air that had the demons flying, almost knocking them all to the ground. She lunged at the leader, the only one left standing as he landed unsteadily on his feet after being thrown back. He regained his footing and charged at her. She deftly evaded his attack with her quick footwork and emerged behind him to slash him in the back as he snarled like a rabid animal. He turned and launched a tirade from his sword.

Dong Hua heard the commotion in the courtyard and opened his eyes slowly.  Without breaking his meditation, he extended his sight to see her slaughtering the demon soldiers one by one. She was his capable little fox, he thought and smiled.

Stop. She's not yours

He wasn't even sure when he started thinking of her in that way. This was a completely unfamiliar experience for Dong Hua. He was beyond reproach. He always did and said exactly whatever he wanted and never had to justify his actions to anyone, and obviously never to himself. 

These disturbing thoughts interrupted his meditation. Fortunately, he had cleansed the demon aura and had healed most of his injuries. He closed down his meditation, withdrawing the blue sphere into him.

The little highness came running into the house but made sure to stop and stand at the threshold with sword still in hand. She was panting hard but was smiling from ear to ear, quite pleased with herself and happy to see him safe and sound. She noticed that he didn't look as pale as before. Then it dawned on her that he was probably still mad and her face fell. She looked down to avert her gaze and withdrew her sword into her aura. Everyone knew Dong Hua Dijun had a reputation for having little patience.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now