Chapter 104 - The Wetlands

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A/N: Not that I care about the image credit but just showing you folks what's around me.

This chapter was written in the lodge while having breakfast, lunch, certain discreet moments during the conference, and while writing inspired notes on my phone during a hike. I am wanting to update far more quickly than you know. But this is the best I can do for now.

Bamboo steamers still going strong on the stove.


When he woke up in her room the next morning, he found her breathing deeply and cuddled up to him under the blanket. He rubbed her back to realize she had shed a layer of her robes. A pile of white fabric was puddled on the floor. She was wearing just a simple thin white layer of her inner robe over her undergarments and her long socks.

Dong Hua reflected on how his desire for her had almost taken him over last night. He was the ancient god who was known for self-restraint and stoicism. It was an adjustment for him to see how he behaved and traversed through his emotions now that she had pulled him into their own private world of unfolding love and desire.

He felt her stir as her bells on her ankle lightly jingled. She rubbed the side of her face into him and sleepily scratched her fingers into his chest. He held her hand up to his mouth so he could kiss each of her fingers tenderly before tucking a section of his long white hair into her hand. She began reflexively rubbing his hair between her thumb and forefinger.

Dong Hua realized that now his little fox was in his life, he couldn't imagine it without her. How had he even made it through seclusion all those years? It was only the hope of seeing her again and earning the privilege of being by her side that kept him going. 

The chest pains again. He would have to get used to them.

"Duid gen, ... uhoomm, yeejun ...rye dere ... Mmm." He could only describe the following incoherent cooing that escaped her mouth as little satiated fox sounds. He softly chuckled as he peered down at her. She was no doubt having a dream, a very special dream apparently. "Yeejun," that had to be him, he thought. It was good to know he was with her in the dream and not someone else.

She was lying on her side with half of her body draped over him. He felt the light push of her pelvis into his hip accompanied with soft mewling sounds. He felt a consistent repetitive tugging of his hair. After a few moments of pressing herself into his hip in this way, she released a deep sigh. She was near weightless to him but he could feel her body securely sink deeper against his.

As he kissed the top of her head, she started to rouse and began rubbing her nose into his chest. She pawed at her face a few times, yawned, and then released a soft purring sound.

He could see her dark lashes flutter as she started to awaken.

"Xiao Bai, did you have a good dream?" he asked in his deep languid voice.

She blinked a couple of more times before she scooted herself up his body and leaned back still on her side so she could better see his face. He turned on his side to lean forward to deposit a gentle kiss on her nose.

"How do you know I was dreaming?" she murmured with several more deep sweeps of her eyelashes. He found her sleepy voice adorable and surprisingly stimulating to him.

"You ... made noises."

"Noises? What kind of noises?" she asked curiously.

He knew there was no possible way he could properly imitate those sounds. "You made ... noises that let me know that whatever you were experiencing was ... highly satisfying," he said pointedly. He raised an eyebrow at her. "My little fox's dream apparently contained mature content."

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now