Author's Note

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Since many of you were so kind to send well-wishes for my dog, Panda, I needed to share that we had to let him go today. He was just having too much respiratory distress and he needed to leave his tired aching body. Born and raised at a Buddhist temple. He's the child of strays my temple took in; I've known him his whole life. 

About 5 years ago the Buddhist Nuns who raised him asked my husband and I to take him in to be his senior living home. He was around 8 years old and for a large dog was experiencing a lot of aches and pains (the temple spoiled him and he ate like a gluttonous king). My husband is a holistic chiropractor and nutritionist so the nuns thought we'd be good caretakers. He's been such a loving, polite and considerate canine companion. Losing him has been very very hard on us. 

He was such a sensitive, smart, and social guy, a real Lian Song kind of dog. 

I am happy though that he left surrounded by love. Covid times can make goodbyes difficult but the clinic was wonderful and allowed my husband, and I and Panda's Buddhist Nun to be right with him until his very last breath. He was truly blessed. 

I have prided myself for updating regularly, every 2-4 days since I started this story in mid-March. Because I don't know how I'll feel tomorrow or the next few days and how this process of grieving will go, I might need a grace period (I don't see me being absent for longer than a week). Please know that I will continue this story and am excited to write the next volume. Like me, many of you have read stories you've enjoyed but for whatever reason no longer see updates, leaving you hanging. That won't happen with this story. 

You guys have been so good to me and to my version of DH and Xiao Bai. I'm too committed aka obsessed and charmed with my own damn story to be away from it for too long. 

Besides, Panda sat loyally by my feet often as I was typing away at my laptop, writing this story. The rest of my efforts with completing this volume will be dedicated to him.

If you'd like to send any good vibes or thoughts for this big guy as he embarks on his new journey, my heart thanks you.

Gratitude for allowing me to take a moment to memorialize him. 

Small T-Rex

Small T-Rex

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