Chapter 47 - Fall Back Into Place

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(GIF from IG: ninja.vom.wolfstor)


Dong Hua leaned back into the basin with his arms lifelessly at his side. His expression was nothing more than a blank gaze. He sat like this for what seemed to her like half a day.

Feng Jiu sat on her jade bathtub throne waiting for him. She knew that he was prone to being slow and dazed and this was nothing new to her. She had been occupying herself with picking out the red sandalwood blossoms from the bath soak and placing them in piles on the tops of his knees.

"What's there to talk about? You got lost. Chia Yuan found you. Lian Song fed you hot pot. I came to collect you home. What's there to talk about?" he said with a stolid demeanor. His voice was flat and devoid of any kind of emotion.

The temperature of the bath soak was no longer hot and steamy. It had cooled fairly quickly and she was starting to feel the chill. She laced the ends of his hair into her fingers and instinctively wrapped her arms around his legs and placed the side of her face on the tops of his knees, crushing the blossoms under her cheek. She lost herself in the glistening ivory skin before her.

The warm softness of her body leaning into him and the light squeeze she gave his legs brought the almighty god back. He fell back into place, into the present moment. His gaze landed on her small huddled form. He stroked her head softly.

"You're cold." He raised the temperature of the water. "Is this better?"

She nodded into his knee.

"Why do you seek me out, little fox? You know I'm always cold." He gently placed his hand under her wet hair, over the nape of her neck to check her temperature to make sure she was warming up.

She squeezed his legs again with her encircled arms. "You always eventually warm up," she replied. "It's okay," she continued. "I'm naturally already warm so as long as you warm up even just a little, that's plenty for me."

Plenty for her? Did she really think she deserved so little? He didn't know if they were still talking about body temperature or temperament at this point. They sat quietly without saying anything else. He began moving his hand under her hair, tracing his fingers lightly down her spine, over each vertebrae. He stopped at the small of her back under the water.

He noticed she was much more sedate and docile. His hair really did have a tranquil effect on her. Just a few moments ago she was his vicious little fox who had him in a chokehold and was thrashing about in the water.

Even though she was upset about being treated like a dog by him, ironically that's exactly what she acted like with the ginger. She was like a dog with a bone and she wasn't going to let go of it. He smirked at the image of her chomping on the ginger quickly to prevent him from taking it.

She looked up at him with her chin perched on his knee. "His Majesty has finally graced us with a smile. We can continue with our lives now."

He was wrong. She was not sedate. She was simply waiting for him to let his guard down. He had momentarily forgotten she was a little military tactician in disguise. He made a mental note that he needed to smear it in Mo Yuan's stoic face that while the God of War had almost 2 dozen students, Dong Hua had his own little Goddess of War.

She smiled sweetly up at him. "So, tell me Dijun. What were you feeling when you found out I was at Yuanji Palace? Talk to me about it."

"Xiao Bai, I don't think this is a conversation you want to have with me," he said steadily to her.

"Oh? How come?"

"Because the more I'm honest with you, the more I'll make you angry."

"Angry? Oh, I think that ship has sailed, Dijun."

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now