Chapter 144 - Lightning Harvesting

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(Image credit  of lightning belongs to Johanne Plenio at unsplash

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(Image credit  of lightning belongs to Johanne Plenio at, Image credit of the drawing isn't mine and belongs to the owner)

A/N: Back in the day, and still sometimes now, in traditional heterosexist patriarchal cultures, proper women are not supposed to enjoy sex. Gender roles in the bedrooms are fixed. The husband can be greedy all he wants and the woman is supposed to timidly dissuade him from his eager pursuits (because she can't like it more than he does or she's labeled a harlot). Ultimately, she's to give in to everything he wants because it's her duty to fulfill his sexual needs.

I'm throwing out those antiquated ideas overboard just like when FJ decided to peel off her clothes in the basin (with a horrified/aroused DH watching on) as she boldly chucked her wet things.

Physical intimacy is a normal and important part in many (but not all) intimate relationships. Despite the age-gap, both Dong Hua and Xiao Bai are young lovers and new to everything love-making comes with. Then there's the mystery that is this ancient rock contrasted against the physically affectionate little fox. They're learning to identify their unique wants and needs, listen (to their bodies and each other), navigate trust, boundaries, and openness.

I wanted to finish this chapter earlier but things in the U.S. ... as Mogu would put it ... shit came out shidewayz, I've been appalled and entirely distracted. If any of you guys are with me, I hope this chapter will be a welcome temporary distraction.

A little more steam before they return to the Nine Heavens...


He knew that love-play in the water could be rough on her body. Counterintuitive to what most people thought, the body was less lubricated with being in the water. Especially, with the force of how he was moving in and out of her, her wet-love was being washed away. His chest ached at the thought he was pushing her delicate body beyond its limits. He wanted her to rest if they were to continue. Flashing images of her sprawled out on her back on a soft blanket as he nestled his face between her legs to tenderly and eagerly soothe any soreness away from her soft petals made him swell within her depths even more.

"Damnit!" he cursed under his breath as he closed his eyes trying to suppress the urge to move his hips into her.

With her palm flat on his chest and her other hand clutching his hair that had fallen over his shoulder, she watched with fascination as her librarian cursed. His chest heaved under her small hand. She parted her lips and gasped at the sensation of him throbbing in her as if he had replaced the very pulse in her body.

Dong Hua stilled his mind trying to smother the intense electrical currents racing through him.

Bringing himself back to the task at hand with a shaky exhale, he opened his eyes to see her wide-eyed and watching him intently. He leaned in to nuzzle her face, hoping he hadn't scared her and was desperate for her response.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now