Chapter 120 - The Locksmith

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Her heart bloomed at how he compared her to an invincible summer. She was basking in his tender extended sweet-play when she had an idea.

His mouth attempted to keep her lips just a little bit longer in his kiss when he could feel her try to pull away.

She looked up at him breathlessly. "Lover," she whispered.

A small smile slowly inched over his lips. It had been the first time she called him that.

"I have an idea of what I want to do," she whispered.

It was exactly what he had hoped for. He wanted her to be comfortable to voice any kind of love-play she wanted from him.

"And what does my little lover want to do?" he asked in his deep languid voice as he stroked his fingers down the side of her face.

"I want to experiment with you," she whispered. Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

As her mate, he could feel her heart beating wildly and knew she was nervous. Despite that, he couldn't help but notice her growing confidence and it warmed him greatly.

"Tell me, what do have in mind?" he whispered back.

"Lie on your back," she instructed as she sat up.

He complied and she leaned over to kiss him sweetly on the lips before she moved to sit further down on the bed next to his legs. He smiled.

"Xiao Bai, are you going to give me a pelvis exam?"

"You are overdue for your full exam. The other day I didn't have enough time to finish the one I started," she said as she hovered down to inspect the bulge rising from the center of his hips.

"First, I'm going to do a visual exam." Her face was only inches away from him as she carefully took in every detail of the shape and form of his hardness underneath his under robe.

He nodded and smiled. "But remember the most thorough exams require us physicians to place our hands on the patient."

"I know that. I just want to look at it for as long as I want. For the longest time I was curious but tried not to look there. I didn't want to treat you like a piece of meat."

"Treat me like a piece of meat," he quickly replied. "Let me be your chicken wing."

She giggled at his comment. From her vantage point she was eye level and noticed that outline made it very much looked like a snowy white mountain rising from between his hips.

She straddled his legs and placed her hands on his thighs and then nestled her face into his mountain and sweetly fox-kissed him there.

He involuntarily moaned. The provoking actions of her nose slowly nuzzling him softly was setting his mountain range on fire. Every soft kiss jolted through him like he was being struck by lightning. He reeled at the thought that he wasn't even out of his clothes yet.

"Mmm, the mountain is indeed hard, cold and even smells like there's a forest of sandalwood trees," she murmured to herself as she continued alternating between fox and mouth kisses. The mulberry silk robe provided the smoothest and softest sensations against her face and lips.

"There's about to be a forest fire that's going to set the mountain ablaze, little fox," he rasped our hoarsely.

"Mmm," she playfully mouthed at the peak of his mountain.

Dong Hua groaned in pleasure.

Then suddenly a flash of white luminescence filled the room.

Dong Hua put his hands over his face. "No," he softly said to himself with a deep frustrated sigh.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now