Chapter 116 - The Challenge

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A/N: Warning for mild sizzle. To each their own. It's barely anything to me but I suppose this might sizzle a bit too much for some.

Thank you for all the lovely comments and votes for the last chapter! I've been happily overwhelmed with how everything came together and wasn't able to respond individually like I normally try to. But know that I was smiling back to each comment with a warm flutter of my heart!


"Ding and Dong, this way," said Mogu in a low authoritative grumble as he led Si Ming and Zhong Lin to the kitchen with the large platters of roast duck.

They were perplexed at these nicknames and had yet to learn that they were playing the role of his "manservants."

Migu smiled at Zhong Lin and Si Ming. "May I show you your quarters for the night? They aren't that far from where your master's staying so you'll be able to assist him with his morning routine."

They assumed Migu meant Dong Hua. He was always independent so they weren't quite sure of what "morning routine" the tree spirit was referring to. They hadn't planned on staying the night but when they looked over to His Majesty, he just nodded to them.

"I'm afraid the fox den isn't as large as Tai Chen Palace so please bear with us as you'll have to share a room," said the tree spirit.

"That'll be no problem at all," said Zhong Lin. "Thank you for your hospitality. The Royal Fox Den is immaculate and well-organized," he said, complimenting his Qing Qiu counterpart.

"Thank you, that's very kind of you. Also, there are clean linens in this chest for you when you'll need to assist your Master in the morning," said Migu.

Zhong Lin and Si Ming just glanced at each other again wondering what kind of assistance the Master of Tai Chen Palace needed that included linens. Regardless, they knew this was a monumental time in Dong's Hua life having recently become betrothed to the little highness. They would do whatever the almighty god needed of them.

She led him into the fox den by the hand and was deep in thought at what had just transpired. Dong Hua pulled her hand back and embraced her as he spun them down a dark corridor away from sight. He cushioned the back of her neck with his palm and backed her into a wall. He leaned down to kiss her passionately and deeply. She blinked with surprise at a closed-eyed Dong Hua was intently letting her know how much he had missed her with his soft cold mouth. She reflexively weaved her fingers into some of his hair.

"Mmm," she mewled into his kiss as her lashes fluttered until everything was dark. She was overcome with synesthesia as his kiss had her experiencing the soft strokes of his tongue in varying shades of purple in her mind's eye. He softly moaned a deep vibration into her mouth that sent shivers to every part of her body.

She had grown tired of standing on her tip toes so she stepped onto his boots for added height and wrapped her arms around his neck. His scent of sandalwood intensified as he immediately scooped her bottom up into one arm while the other arm protectively cradled her upper body and head. He pressed his hips into her and she responsively wrapped her legs around his waist to pull him in deeper. Being empathic and even more so now to him since he was her mate, she was overwhelmed by his desire to take her against that wall right then and there.

The soft tension between hot and cold, giving and receiving, pulling and pushing against the cave wall had her tangling her fingers into his long white hair even more.

"I've missed you so much," he murmured intensely in a low and deep whisper into her mouth. She hadn't realized how far he had taken her until she found it impossible to not be swept away by his waves of passion. She was surprised that there were so many parts of her body that ached for his touch yet all he had to do was kiss her mouth with long deep strokes of his tongue and move his wicked hips into her hypnotically and she was unraveling in a dark corner with her family just in the next room.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now