Chapter 130 - Jolly Times

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Everyone stared at Dong Hua and the small pink mauve-colored bruise on his neck. Between his pale skin and his white collar, the bruise was practically waving out to get everyone's attention.

Bai Yi had just questioned Dong Hua about this "fresh" bruise when Bai Zhi interjected before Dong Hua could reply.

"Aiya, son you call it 'fresh' like it's cookies that just came out of the oven!"

Feng Jiu peeked shyly and ran her finger over the bruise. Dong Hua looked at her without any noticeable expression but he caught her eyes.

Admiring your work of art, hmm?

She tried to scrunch her lips up to prevent the smile that wanted to playfully stretch out.

It's my masterpiece, she replied telepathically knowing Dong Hua would be able to shield her amateur telepathy from being found out by her family.

Masterpiece indeed. Remain stone-faced like me little fox or else you'll be found out.

Dong Hua turned to reply to her father's interrogation. 

"Bai Yi, I—"

"Eh, let me explain. I know how the bruise came to be!" shouted out the old fox enthusiastically with a raised hand in the air. His wife just sat next to him softly shaking her head. "It was—"

"Me!" rasped out a voice. Everyone turned to acknowledge where the voice had come from.

"You? demon boy?" asked Bai Zhi with a bewildered look on his face.

Liu Jun cleared his throat. If these foxes wanted jolly times, he would give them some goddamn jolly times.

Scarface!  You don't have to, she called out to him telepathically

Your Highness, I am your bodyguard. Let me cover for you. Your father is on the warpath, I will not let him hurt you, verbally, emotionally or physically.


"Yes, look at Dong Hua Dijun. Who wouldn't want to gnaw on that?" he proclaimed. Liu Jun surprised himself with the confidence he exuded. He was starting to feel like a demon again. He realized that it actually took very little acting to make that admission.

His confession caught everyone off-guard. 

Zhe Yan wanted to help out the demon who was obviously volunteering to be the scapegoat for his troublemaking love-biting niece.

"I agree. The man is a work of art. He also caught my attention all those years ago ... until I got to know his personality," said Zhe Yan while casually fanning himself.

"What?" asked Bai Yi who was clearly unprepared for Liu Jun's disclosure. He looked from Liu Jun and then over to Zhe Yan. Both men just nodded at him.

"Eh, demon lad ... you like ..." the Fox Emperor leaned in closer with raised eyebrows.

"Yes ... I like men," said Liu Jun with as much nonchalance as he could muster. He sighed. "Men ... like Dong Hua Dijun ... make me feel ... jolly." He cringed at the word but it was the only thing that he could think to say. He marveled at how his body then relaxed after he settled into the reality that he had come out to the entire fox den.

There was silence. The little highness looked over to her bodyguard with misted eyes and a small smile. She felt so much warmth for him. She knew he was doing this for her and she knew it was not easy for him.

Bai Zhi pounded his fist onto the table. It jolted everyone's attention.

The old fox pointed his finger at the demon. "You! ..."

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now