Chapter 141 - The Lion-Tamer

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(Image credit - Johannes Plenio at


"Oh? And what does my little fox know about this lion in me?" he asked in a low dark whisper.

To help her feel more comfortable, he had hoisted her petite form up, encouraging her to wrap her legs around him as he easily held her securely with one arm. She liked being snug in his hold and leaned back against the mossy boulder gazing into his dark eyes.

He noticed that the tone and timbre of his voice often affected her response time to him. The deeper or more growly his voice was, the wider her eyes would become and the longer she seemed to studying him as if she was seeing a new species of animal for the first time.

There was a time when they were both uncertain around the other, trying to make out what a pause, a look, or a sigh meant. He realized that while he was her mate and intimately connected to her, he should never assume that he could always know what she was thinking or feeling.

He simply needed to breathe, stay his course in the present moment to remain attuned to her. She was the bright beacon in the lighthouse, her coordinates fixed and unwavering. All he needed to do was steer his ship in her direction and her luminescence would always be waiting for him, leading him to her.

"My kitten wants to cuddle but the lion wants more," she finally said in her soft voice while whispering the last few words. She blinked back at him waiting for his response.

"And what does this lion's mate and wife want?" he whispered back leaning in to rest his forehead against hers and closed his eyes while breathing deeply. All of him was so close to her, his lips, his chest, his arousal.

She reached up and caressed the side of his face, playing back the moving erotic images of what he had longed for the moment they began soaking in the hot springs. A flash of pleasing electric currents traveled through his body, only to settle and simmer between his legs. He whisper-growled before swiftly leaning in to mouth at the soft skin of her neck like a viper attacking its prey.

She melted under his tight hold and his cold wet mouth. "I want what ... want," she said as her breathing mirrored his uneven breaths.

It was rare that she ever felt his teeth on her. There was that one time where he unintentionally commenced rough-play when he bit her finger and almost turned her into a three-toed fox. Then when he play-acted as the cat of Tai Chen Palace, he lightly nipped playfully at her neck. And while the grazes of his teeth as he sucked at the most vulnerable spot on her throat didn't hurt, she knew this wasn't any kind of play. Like how he was between her legs earlier, this was consumption, this was having.

Dong Hua grunted into the soft curve between her neck and shoulder before he tore himself away from her and leaned his forehead into the soft green moss over her head. All he could see was green as he steadied himself with a few deep breaths at the realization that he had pressed her small form completely up against the boulder. He had been squeezing and massaging both his hands into her soft bottom in the water and had almost abruptly pulled her down onto his hardness that was aching to find itself in her.

She softly kneaded her fingers in his shoulders while her body effortlessly matched his deep breaths.

"I wasn't trying to pry into your mind. I promise. It's just that the images came to me when I touched your face earlier when ... when you were ..."

"Devouring your edible peach blossom," he said in a low whisper, finishing the sentence for her, as he placed soft gentle kisses over the crimson flush on her cheeks, trying to balance out his unchecked raging hard affection. He knew that she was still getting used to talking about their love-play.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now