Chapter 127 - The Art of Squeezing in Just A Tad Bit More Pillow Talk

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(Graphic not mine and credit belongs to the talented artist)


He almost lost all self-control when she told him to look at her face and not everything else that had been exposed by his too-big robe on her that refused to stay on her small frame. It had slipped off both her shoulders, leaving her bare and only clad in purple from the waist down.

He loved that she challenged him in ways no one dared to. She also loved him in ways no one had dared to.

He helped her slip her arms completely out of the sleeves and pulled her into him by encircling her waist with one arm and guided her to place her arm on his shoulders.

"Step on my feet," he instructed. Cang He's robust little brother was squished up against her. She was pretty sure he was fighting for more space but Dong Hua had sandwiched the poor weapon of love snug between them.

She stepped forward and placed her white socked feet on his much larger bare ones. He slowly took steps back taking her along with him as he securely held her close to his body.

"You'll have to direct me little fox, I can't see so I might just fall or crash the both of us into the bed," he whispered into her ear.

He fully could sense where he was spatially in relation to everything else and would never endanger them but he wanted her participation.

She moved her head around his arm to get a better view. "Okay, take two more steps back ... stop. One small step to the right. Okay, now one more step back. Just a little bit more. Ok now you can sit."

He slowly sat on the bed and then skillfully pulled her onto him as she straddled his lap. She looked down curiously again and saw that he still had that condition. She reached down with her hand and stroked the tip with her thumb. He hissed at how sensitive he was to her touch. He released a raspy exhale.

She was learning well the sounds that he made when he wanted her. She felt the need to kiss him and so she did.

She let her fingers in both hands lace their way into his hair and gripped tightly into the white waterfall of his tresses. Their tongues sought each other out in playful passion. She kissed his lips in many different ways, tilting her face slightly for new angles to explore his cold dark mouth. She continued her siege until she felt slightly faint and light-headed. Breathless, she admitted a retreat was in order. She rested her cheek on his shoulder still letting her fingers weave through his hair.

He loved how she was sometimes fearless in her love-play but when she was tired she let herself comfortably rest into him. He wanted her to experience his body as a place of play, passion, and whenever she needed it, a place of restoration and rejuvenation.

"I have missed you" he whispered down to her and caressed her bottom through his purple robe. It felt slightly strange feeling her intimately this way through his own clothing.

Her eyes had been closed but they opened. "Dijun," she whispered. Her infinitely small but warm puff of breath tickled the side of his throat.

When she had initially taught him about The Art of Play, she had tried to unsuccessfully tickle him, leading her to think he wasn't ticklish. He didn't know he was either until this very moment.

"I've missed you so much," he whispered back.

She sat up straighter and nuzzled her nose into the side of his face.

"Dijun, you keep saying you've missed me. It's only been two days."

He didn't immediately reply and she knew this meant something.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now