Chapter 51 - Confrontation vs Confirmation

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She walked into Dong Hua's study with her sweet potato in hand. He was engaging in some last minute reading before going to court. He looked up from his low reading table to see her standing a few meters away.

"What is it, little fox?" He could tell that something was wrong. He stood up and walked over to her.

She promptly threw her sweet potato onto the ground with such force it landed with an audible thud.

He looked down at it and then back at her. He knew that if she was treating her food like that, he would have no chance at survival from whatever this was.

"Xiao Bai .... what's wrong? Tell me," he said calmly as he took a cautious step towards her.

"Why have you never taken me to your bed ... for special time? Don't you want to have sex with me?" she asked as she pointed over to his room.

He looked over into that direction and then over at her. He was completely dumbstruck. Dong Hua had misheard her. She had actually said "don't you want to have snacks with me?"

She looked at him with true resentment and hurt. "I thought I was special."

He took another step towards her. He was standing so close she was fuming into his chest. He reached down gently and lifted her chin up with his finger so he could look into her eyes.

"You are special. I ... I didn't know ... that's what you wanted." He was in complete shock. He gazed at her for a few more moments to try to compose himself. "I didn't want to assume. I wanted to be respectful," he said softly. He placed his hand on her back and gently pulled her in, effectively closing any space between them.

She looked up at him with a wild mad look in her eyes. "Respect? You call how you treat me respectful? Then disrespect me. I say disrespect me!" she spat at him.

He looked at her, truly confused and concerned. "Where did you learn to talk like that? I will never disrespect you. You also said you didn't want to get married... I wanted to respect your boundaries ... "

She huffed. She squeezed her little hand up and pressed her index finger into his chest.

"What does getting married have to do with any of this? And where did I learn this behavior? I was born this way. You know it's all I think about!" she proudly declared and poked him hard several times in his chest.

Dong Hua cocked his head to the side to silently regard her with astonishment.

"I ... had no idea this was how you thought about it... And that you wanted this from me."

Had she been producing pheromones this whole time and he was just completely unaware? He leaned down and affectionately sniffed into her hair. She smelled normal. Besides peach blossoms, a hint of sandalwood, anger and indignation, he could smell nothing else on her.

"I don't just want it from you, I want it from everyone!" she yelled out at him.

It was as if she ripped out his heart and set it aflame. "Why would you say that? Does my heart mean nothing to you?" he said without a bit of strength in his voice.

"You mean the half of your heart that you still have. Hey, you don't get to be the hurt one here. You've been denying me and withholding from me this whole time. Don't try to play the victim!"

"I would never deny you. I told you, little fox, I had no idea this was what you wanted. You're still young. I didn't want to take advantage of your innocence," he brought his hand to lightly caress the side of her face.

"Take advantage? That's what you call it?" She thought that if he would try to eat all of her snacks, that would definitely be considered taking advantage of her. But, didn't Zhong Lin say he just wanted to eat peach cookies?

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now