Chapter 106 - No Expiration Date

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A/N: Image credit - British Columbia, Canada. Kistopher Kinsinger at

Thank you guys for the wonderful comments and all the votes. I don't even myself know how many more chapters we have. 


It took Dong Hua a few minutes before he was able to gather himself together. He felt like his cultivation had dispersed into the air, like the lightest falling slow.

He was riding the undulating waves of her deep and regulated breathing. He placed a kiss into the side of her breast and slowly sat up and gazed down at the fate everyone thought he would never get to have.

She gazed back at him with the warmest eyes as she reached out to stroke down the length of his hair that fell over his shoulder.

Love no longer contained the qualifiers of deserved or undeserved. It simply just was.

His eyes traveled down her body and he could not help but smile.

"Dijun, you like what you see, don't you?" she said as she smiled smugly.

"You could say that," he said slowly. He leaned back down and propped the side of his head with his elbow and began caressing her chin between his fingers.

"Were you surprised, Xiao Bai?" 

"Surprised? You mean by ... all of your ... maneuvers? ... and how you knew how to do all of those things? A little. How do you know how to ... make me feel the way I felt?"

"I didn't make you feel anything. I don't control your body, Xiao Bai. It's yours. I simply traveled along its precious terrain because you let me, because you trust me. Some of it is because you're naturally responsive and receptive. As a Fox Immortal, you're very sensitive. The rest is our attunement to each other and our loving, safe, and secure attachment. It enhances pleasure."

"But, I think you're still more surprised than just a little," he said while stroking his long middle finger down her jawline.

"Oh? Why do you think I'm surprised?" she asked curiously while batting her long eyelashes at him.

He smiled down at her again. "Because you're wearing the look of surprise."

She took her hands and felt all over her face. "I am? I don't feel like I'm looking surprised anymore... who knows what my silly face looked like while you were love-playing me into oblivion," she murmured.

Dong Hua released a deep and hearty chuckle. She watched him with fascination. He rarely ever laughed like this. Still, she had seen the evolution of never, to once in a blue moon, to now, occasionally. She decided that she could at least take a small part of the credit of his transformation.

"You're literally wearing the look of surprise, little fox. Look down at yourself." He slipped an arm underneath her back and lifted her up into a sitting position. She propped herself up by placing her arms behind her on the bed and she gazed down at herself.

And then, even from her vantage point she started to see it clearly.

She was wearing a face, quite literally, a face of surprise.

Her undergarment over her breasts had two large dark wet circles from where his mouth had lavished her. Those were the eyes. Her lower undergarment had a huge round wet spot between her legs from her sensual wet-love seepage.

She slowly gasped at the picture. That was the mouth. Two big eyes and a mouth over her erogenous zones. She truly was wearing the look of surprise.

As if he could read the configuration of her illuminated thoughts coming together, he added "and that's the nose," he said as he lightly poked his finger into her belly button.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now