Chapter 123 - The Art of Pillow Talk Pt. I

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A/N: Mature explicit sexual content. I always knew I'd write for them in this way when I started this story (it just took me a hundred chapters to get there). The next volume will be steaming from the first chapter and love play will be part of their lives now that they're a couple. So, I'm contemplating putting a serious disclaimer at the beginning of the next book and then no more after that. Some of the great YH/MY/BQ fanfiction I've read do that. I feel that allows for things to unfold more naturally as opposed to the warning at the start of the chapter, though I can understand why some writers do that. I'm assuming at this point if people are still reading they know I do the steam and are ok with it. What do you guys think? Any preferences?

Maybe sometimes people are looking for the steam so they like the disclaimer? I know for princesslfiah's awesome story when I see her disclaimer I'm like YAY ;) I just know that my librarian and his little fox have finally arrived and I have about 80 chapters of love-play to make up for. I know not everyone is comfortable with this kind of content, so just a heads up.

Also, I recently had a random but very cool encounter with a kind supportive silent reader. I have no idea how many of you are out there because you're under the shroud of invisibility (I have been one, too, for other stories I read) but I super appreciate the support still. If you're comfortable with it, please consider voting for my story as it helps it get out there to other readers who might enjoy my brand of "therapeutic fan-fiction." Credit goes to reader/writer AmandaTinbalt (check out her unique engaging story) for such a humbling and flattering term for what I try to write. Many thanks to all!


She had succeeded and peeled his sock off and began trying to wrestle the other boot off. She knew the kits and cubs of Qing Qiu would never have believed she would grow up to use her best wrestling moves on the boots of the former Heavenly Emperor and unifier of the worlds.

He looked at her kneeling on the ground at his feet. In one swift motion he pulled her up and placed her on his leg. She sat perched on his thigh with her arms around his neck. Her legs dangled as he gazed at her expressionlessly while she looked at him curiously.

"But the other one ..."

"You are to be a queen, you should not be sitting on the ground massaging anyone's feet, Xiao Bai." His tone was serious and devoid of any playfulness.

While still keeping his eyes on her, he leaned down to take off his other boot, his sock, and neatly placed them at the side of the bed. He then proceeded to take her shoes off and placed them next to his. They were the white ones with pink peonies on them, part of the collection he had surprised her with.

"I am your wife first and a queen second," she answered simply while giving his chin a light tap with her finger. She swung her feet up to rest them on his other leg. His limbs reminded her of the branches of her favorite tree she used to love to climb in the peach forest.

As many times as he had called her his wife and as many times as she had referred to herself as such, he still felt a wave of disbelief lap over the shoreline of his consciousness. When the water receded back, he felt cleansed by a luminous humility. This little red fox had chosen him as her mate. When she was repeatedly given the misinformation of him never being able to love her back romantically, she never once became demanding. She simply became devoted. She had chosen to protect him over her own self-fulfillment.

She held his stone-cold gaze while a small smile formed on her rosy lips as she leaned back and slowly stretched out her arms over her head. She kept stretching her limber lithe body out as her legs and bottom rested on his thighs and she laid back into the strong frame of his arm. She tilted her head back slightly, closed her eyes, and imagined she was sprawled out, high in her favorite tree, on a cool night.

The Librarian and the Fox Princess: a Donghua Dijun and Bai Fengjiu story, V.IWhere stories live. Discover now